D.Gray ManThe plot revolves around Allen Walker, an Exorcist, in the end of the 19th century Europe. Allen is a member of the Black Order, which contains Exorcists, connected with Vatican. The mission of the Black Order is to stop The Millennium Earl, an evil ghoul intending to cleanse the world by destroying all the humans in it in the manner of Noah's great flood.
The Exorcists themselves are special people gifted with compatibility with Innocence, a divine substance created in the ages past to combat the Earl's minions, the Akuma. It is said that there are exactly 109 units of Innocence scattered around the world. Once an Innocence finds its compatible person, it will evolve to become a weapon to fight the Akumas.
As the story goes, Allen Walker is introduced with more Exorcist characters, among them are Yu Kanda, Lenalee Lee and Lavi. Also in the spotlight are Komui Lee, the church's science department supervisor and older brother of Lenalee Lee, Bookman, a mysterious colleague within the church, and Cross Marian, a General in the Organization and Allen's master.
More villains also appear along the way. There are higher level Akumas, with greater power, skill and wit. Newly appearing as of this article is Noah's Family, a group humans descended from Noah himself gifted with great power allied with the Earl.
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