Alternative title:Juuni Kokki (Japanese)
12 Kingdoms
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Psychological
Plot Summary: Yoko Nakajima, an unhappy high school student, is one day suddenly faced with a strange man who swears allegiance to her. After a battle with demon-like beasts, he then takes her to another world along with two of her classmates. There, her appearance has changed and she can understand the language even though her classmates cannot. But their status as "Kaikyaku" (people who come from Japan) makes them hunted fugitives, so they wander the land of the 12 countries, simply trying to survive and to figure out the reason why they were brought to this world.
Unlike many fantasy anime series, Twelve Kingdoms is not a romance anime, but could be better described as a political thriller. The primary focus is on the reaction of foreigners to the customs and politics of a new world.
no. of episodes: 45
more info: one of my favourite anime,the starting might be a bit slow but it gets more interesting as it goes along.
Twelve Kingdoms Ep 1 (1 of 3) the rest on the side bar on the right