Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Science Fiction, Shounen, Psycological
Plot Summary: Takato Matsuda, Ruki Matsuno, and Lee Jenrya are children who have, by fate, recieved real Digimon, unlike the imaginary ones in the card game they play. Each of the children, or "Digimon Tamers", have their different views on how Digimon should be treated. But when other Digimon begin to appear around Japan, they must put aside their differences to fend off the digital intruders; even though Yamaki, who is the head of a secret organization called Hypnos is trying to eliminate all of the Digimon himself.
Personal Rating: Personal Comment: Ok, you all might be asking what the hell am I doing still watching digimon...? Well is because I was digging up my old VCD collection and found my Digimon Tamers VCD...
I really like this particular season of Digimon. Unlike the first two season, Digimon Tamers is way darker in storyline.
From what I can remember, the story start out like normal digimon cards, bla, bla bla.... enters the digital world, yada, yada, yada... hang on a second, this is new... about a quarter into the season, ya can clearly see the season take a different approach... This time, there is no lame good versus evil digimon battle rather a battle for survival... then near half way, things gets a little confusing as the psycological genre kicks in when they are trying to explain the digi world... ya know, kinda like Lain... then a death of a character causes the character's partner to go into deep depression throughout the whole season... then the true villian is identified as not a digimon but a deletion virus... then ya digimon battles but it is amusing to watch... towards the end, they try to save the depressed girl which is the source of the virus power ad knowledge... where have I heard the before...
In short, it's an amusing anime to watch... kinda like digimon + Lain + Evangelion....