Plot:The story begins with a naked young girl named Lucy who escapes under odd circumstances from an island research-facility off the coast of Kamakura in the Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan. Lucy manages to nonchalantly dismember and slay 23 (14 in the manga) of the staff and guards with some form of seemingly supernatural power and gets outside. A sniper is ordered to kill her but only manages to ricochet the bullet off the metal helmet encasing her head. Lucy falls off a cliff into the sea and is not found again by the research staff.
Lucy is not a normal human but in fact a Diclonius which is a mutant strain of humans who have two small horns on their heads (hence the name diclonius) and possess telekinetic powers through use of their "Vectors", which are arms that project from the backs with varying numbers and length of reach depending on the diclonius.
The next day, a boy named Kouta arrives at Kamakura to meet his cousin Yuka. Kouta has come to study at a university there and has been given the use of an old family-owned inn, The "Maple (—÷, kaede?) Inn", provided he acts as the caretaker there. After meeting with Yuka, they go to visit the beach and find Lucy washed up there, still naked and bleeding from her head. However, the head-trauma that Lucy has experienced has caused her to develop a split personality, "Ny¨±". In stark contrast, Ny¨± is completely docile, harmless and is incapable at first of saying anything other than "Ny¨±". Not knowing what to do with her, Kouta and Yuka take her back to the inn to look after her.
While Kouta, Ny¨± and Yuka begin settling into a new life, the researchers begin hunting for Lucy and characters on both sides find themselves in a situation much more complex than they originally anticipated
Genre: Horror,romance
Comments: Very bloody and violent at the beginning and very touching story also. Contain nudity episode one 1/3
( Just to let viewers know the level of violence they will be experiencing)