Genre: Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural
Plot summary: There is a rumor that there is a message board called “Jigoku Tsushin” which can only be accessed at midnight. It is said that if one posts his grudge against someone there, the Jigoku Shojo will appear and take the person to Hell. It may sound like an urban legend, but it is true.
The name of the Jigoku Shojo is Enma Ai. Enma is usually a quiet girl, but when she feels for the client, she turns into Jigoku Shojo. Although it isnÂ’t mentioned in the rumor, it is necessary to make a contract with her. In exchange for her sending the target to Hell, the clientÂ’s soul will be also taken to Hell after his death.
Personal rating:
Personal comment: Finished watching the series... yay...

As per genre, it is a horror show. For you weak people with no balls, you will pee at some scenes...

. Ok lah, not super scary but got slight suspense in some episodes

The show starts with the villian causing the victim to suffer... The victim, helpless to fight back turn to MaHoo... (yahoo parody
) and used the search engine to find "The Hell Correspondent" which is a blank site only appears at 12am with a banner "We will take your revenge for you" and a text box to write the villian's name in... then Enma Ai will meet up with you mysteriously ofcourse and give you a doll with a red string which the victim have to decide to cut or not which will activate the revenge contract and the villian will suffer a horrifying experience b4 death and will go to hell... But ofcourse got payment... You make the contract, you will go to hell as well but die later...[/spoiler]
This show may not be for the inpatient coz you may find most of the episodes repetative. But the story will pick up again in the later episodes.
All the episodes will have a different setting to the same storyline. There will be some episodes which will touch you and some which you will snooze at. My personal fav is the uncaring animal doctor and the actress...
The show is a very "human feeling" show... helplessness, fear, apathy... all mixed together to give you a confused feeling of "should this guy die or not?" and "what would I do if I was in that situation?"... There is also an air of mistery in the show on who exactly is Enma Ai which will be revealed at the end of the series...
Animation wise... superb.... They use alot of darkness in this show to get the creepy felling going...
Thank you for you time...