Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Historical, Horror, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Plot Summary: At the height of the Roaring Twenties, jazz is king, bootleg liquor flows freely, and the mob rules the streets. It is a time of prosperity, luxury and decadence, as the divide between rich and poor grows ever wider in the wake of the First World War. But it is at such times of great change and upheaval that the dark things that lurk below the world of man can come to the surface... and so, it's up to the Order of Magdelene- or more specifically, its energetic, bumbling operative Sister Rosette Christoper and her soul-bound devil partner, Chrono - to fight the demonic threats appearing with increasing regularity across America. But a shadow tinges both Rosette and Chrono's past, which drives them on to fight all the harder as they search for Rosette's lost brother, Joshua, taken from her by the sinner, Aion, a devil who shares a dark and bloody history with Chrono, and seeks nothing less than the overthrow of Heaven itself. (wikipedia)
Personal Rating: 1/2
Personal Comment: Ok... The moment I saw the DVD cover picture, I knew it was gonna be a great show... Its actually amazing... I looked at the DVD cover and saw Lina Inverse... I don't know how I made the connection but it doesn't matter, it did turn out to be a great show...
First off..., the show used alot of Christian based stuff... Those who are easily offended may not wanna watch the show...
Now, down to business... Nuns, Sinners, Angels, Apostles + Guns, Rifles, Holy Cross seals, Gunkata.............. Interesting...
The story starts of with a comedy theme when main character Rosette and her partner hornless demon Chrno respond to a demonic/satanic sighting by local police in New York... The came in car crashing, guns a blazing, holy water splashing... you get the idea... They saved the day but not without sacrificing an entire block...
It was a fun start but don't be fooled by the cover... The plot is designed to get darker and darker as the story progressed... The show also uses alot of flash backs to reveal each individual character's history.... and them histories are very the sad to watch... them histroy is also used to set the plot line which also makes the story interesting...
The story will climax at a near apocaliptic event... supprising not a a demon invasion which I predicted but chaos broughy about by humans being mislead by the demon...... How did I not see that coming...? Plus the ending is quite a tear jerker for them sentimental types...
Me almost cried but didn't...
Animation wise... it is quite nice to look at.............. ya ofcourse got some fanservice...
but they only come about when they are needed and nothing more... They also got use different tone for different light settings which is very appealing to the eye....
Overall, this is quite a good show to watch... Watch it if ya got the time...