Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen
Brief Summary: Small for his age, Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life. Now in high school, he has developed a rare condition: whenever girls touch him, or even come close, he breaks out in hives. Imagine his surprise, when he is suddenly transported to the city of Seiren on a mystic world invisibly orbiting the Earth, and populated with vast numbers of women and very few men. Fortunately, he has a new friend, Miharu-chan, whose touch inexplicably doesn't affect him.
Personal Rating: 1/2
Personal Comment: Ok, at first glance this is looks like an obvious harem anime (1 guy main character + multiple girls). But at second glance, got lotsa girls but only 50% of them actually likes the main character so I don't know if to call it a harem anime....
Anyways, this is one of the most ecchie anime I've ever seen
. Most of the girls are on their DD, G and F cups
. Plus one of the character is an alien so she don't know earth's dress code... "But Yukinari's magazine says the it is the standard for women to cook wearing only aprons"
. In addition to that, got also one guy very daring anyhow fondle breast out of no where...
So it is obvious that you don't want your mum catching you watching this anime.... Eventhough this is not a Hentai...
The show is also very violent. Following Love Hina's lead, the guy character is bound to get busted but unlike Love Hina, this show got broken bones, twisted necks and severe bleeding....
Overall, I gave it a 2 1/2 rating coz it's a standard romance comedy with nothing special. Plus I still havn't watch season 2. Another reason why ODEX is not a good distribution company...