Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Science Fiction, Supernatural
Summary: Lain Iwakura appears to be an ordinary girl, with almost no experience with computers. Yet the sudden suicide of a schoolmate, and a number of strange occurrences, conspire to pull Lain into the world of the Wired, where she gradually learns that nothing is what it seems to be... not even Lain herself.
Personal Rating:
Personal Comment: Quoting from, this anime is not for children... or most teenagers for that matter coz you'll either be extremely bored or severely confused that you'll need rehab after watching this show.
The genre states that this is a Psycological anime so for those who wanna watch something with minimal brain power, than this show is not for you.
The show got some really deep thought factor. It revolves around this girl "Lain" and her connection to the wired world, or as we like to call it, the Internet. So expect to see lots of com hardware.
The first time I've watch it, I didn't really got the meaning of the show, up till now, I still didn't fully understand it. It jumps from one theory to another. At first I thought she was haunted, then a clone, then god????
Anyway, its an interesting show for those who wanna crack open their scull. + Lain's cute too