Don't really know if I should put this here but its animation, its a popular show and its has a good story.... Might as well tell you all about it...
Genre: Animation, Action-Adventure, Fantasy
Summary: This should explain it.
Personal rating:
Personal comment: At first, I though it sounds like a pretty dumb show. My previous mind set was "American made anime" = "boring".
But I was wrong... The show is pretty nice considering it was made with kids in mind, so expect no blood, extreme violence or hentai jokes. But don't expect the show to be shallow as well.
I haven't watch the entire series yet so I don't know how it ends. For now, I'm just watching it on youtube. Nickelodeon showing it very slow.
So far, I don't have any compaints. It has an interesting storyline to it and the jokes is kinda feel like an american + Doraemon Hybrid. And the fight sequence involved is very well made and involved some martial arts moves, not like Justice Leage where I punch you then you punch me.
Further reviews will be made in the future.
P.S. Don't otopedia.... for obvious reasons