Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Science Fiction, Shounen
Summary: In a universe where men and women are mortal enemies, Hibiki is captured by a band of female pirates. The group find themselves stranded with a super ship they dub the Nirvana and set out for the female home planet. Along the way, they discover the existence of the "The Harvest" and the possible destruction of both men and women.
More info: The show has 13 episodes but is a continuous story to Vandread: The Second Stage (season 2, also 13 episodes)
Personal Rating: Personal Comment: This show is sooo cute.....
. Ok the show starts out with a little documentary about the enemy of all men. They have pilliaged and plundered the many cities of men, these monsters kill and tortured men for their pleasure and had turned respected men into their play thing. Many died and those who are alive are scared for life. These enemy of men are called..... Women....
The show is about two planets, one with only men and the other with only women. If you're wondering about how they reproduce, it'll be explained in the show
. These two planets has been at war with each other since they could remember and have no idea why they have been fighting.
The background aside, the main story is about Hibiki, the main character who is just a 3rd rate citizen factory worker from the men planet. He got suckered into stealing a mech from a starship about to leave orbit and can't make it out before it launch. One thing lead into another, the female pirates starts attacking the starship and Hibiki, along with 2 other Men and 150 women pirates, got teleported 90 days distance from their planets.
Here they discover about the differences between men and women. You parents out there who are too lazy to teach your kids can use this anime instead
. Things get really funny around Ditta, the female main character, who is just like a little girl who is all curious about this strange creature called Hibiki.
But this show is not just about fun and laughters, within the stupid war, lives are affected and how they live on through the war. Also, a new threat lies in outer space and the women and men have to work together in order to survive.
To top it all off, Mechas
. This show is full of them. But its not like GUNDAM art style. Its full 3D animation. As of expected from GONZO studios.
So inconclusion: Funny Gender jokes + Cute School style romance + Intergalactic war drama + Mechas. What more could you want?