Genre: Comedy, Ecchi
Summary: Sawatari Izumi and her litter sister, Mitsuki, ran away from home. In order to look for part-time jobs, they wandered around the town. However, all the shop owners refused to hire them.
Then, they happened to see a poster looking for resident housekeepers. It was done by Nakabayashi Yoshitaka who had lost his parents in the accident, and he became quite alone. Being sympathized with him, they were going to be help him.
However, Yoshitaka is very pervert person who had a cosplay fetish. He made them wear obscene maid uniforms. Izumi got angry, while Mitsuki enjoyed wearing them. Yoshiki started to enjoy being a master. Then, a pet crocodile which liked girls appeared...
Personal Rating:
Personal Review: OK... Picture this image: You're a wealthy 14 year old boy and I mean super wealthy and you just inherated the wealth from your parents who just died of a car accident (sob.sob.... well, time to move on)... Then 2 young and attractive sisters, one of them is busty
, came over to your mansion to apply for a maid's position then bacame indebt to you for 10,000,000+ yen and can't leave the maid position. Plus, there is no maid regulation law like singapore.... What would you do to them
Before I go on, I would like to say that is is NOT a hentai show.... It's just a show full of hentais
In this show, you'll find one very arrogant, rich and very perveted guy,Yoshitaka ,running the show in the mansion. The two sisters, actually just one of them is indebt to him and have to work it off as a maid... the other one is just there for the laughs... The girls have to don specially made maid outfits as per above and other barely covering outfits throughout the show... And they, mainly Izumi, have to put up with the constant staring, over-working and other perverted related actions out of Yoshitaka .
But don't worry, the girl is not that helpless, most of the time I feel kind sorry for the guy for being trashed by Izumi all the time...
And if one pervert is not enough, this show have more... They've got guy pervert, girl pervert, old man pervert, non-human pervert and non-living pervert.... Wierd show huh?
I gave the rating to be two coz this show is mainly for switching your brain off and have a laugh. There's no character progression, no in-dept psyco thought and no romance... That's right NO romance, if you're the lovy-dovy kind, this show is not for you. There is a little bit if romance near the end though but you're gonna be severly dissapointed in the end...
Other than that, have fun watching at the gigglyness, don't get a nose-bleed and don't roll over and die laughing.
BTW, I find episode 9 quite informative and the moral of the story, don't ask god for small favours coz they're busy finshing fishing of sun flower seeds.