Shinobi: Heart Under Blade is a 2005, Japanese, ninjutsu, romance movie. The story is an adaptation of the novel, Kouga Ninpou Cho by Futaro Yamada, which depicts the clash between two ninja clans, Iga and Kouga, and the fated love between Kouga Gennosuke (Kouga) and Oboro (Iga). The theme song of this movie was the #1 hit, HEAVEN, performed by superstar Ayumi Hamasaki.
Also a manga and an anime called Basilisk: The Kouga Ninja Scrolls are based on the same novel, and bear the same character names as in the novel and the movie.
Official Movie Webbie: most important of all~~~~
Characters Introduction: hur!! KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!!
Ayumi's Song Heaven on YouTube: