Imagine Shaman King if it skewed a little older and without the Shamans, and The Law of Ueki begins to come into focus. Ueki is pretty much your average, everyday, spiky-green-haired junior high school student, apart from the fact that he can grow trees out of the palms of his hands from the smallest bit of trash. An ability he didn’t so much ask for as have cast upon him by his wacky teacher Mr. K, who’s recruiting students he feels have the resolve to win the “Battle of Supernatural Powers” a.k.a. Celestial King title.
Whoever wins will be granted The Power of Blank (as in whatever power he or she can dream up, viola!—It’s the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man all over again) but more importantly (to Mr. K at least) whoever bestows the winning spell will become king of the celestial world... And Mr. K wants to be king—badly. Save it to say that either way it’s imperative that the winner be a mild-mannered sort. Should the power fall into the wrong hands the results would be disastrous.
Luckily (or not depending on how you look at it) one of Ueki’s classmates, Ai Mori, witnesses his secret power and (now that she’s confident he’s not an alien) has taken to defending him. But she’ll have to break free from the “power to make someone ugly by sticking his fingers up their nostrils” power first. It’s all downhill from there. Not.

Official Website: anime ends at episode 51. Not bad, I like the fights and chars are funny. Mori's fight at the later part are.. uber uber uber lame. -.-uuu
I'd love to spoil more but.. NEVER!