Gun X Sword is a 26 episode anime produced by AIC A.S.T.A, that premiered in July 2005. The protagonist, Van, travels the world searching for a mysterious man with a clawed right hand who killed his bride. He is joined by several other travelers along the way, each linked to the clawed man by a personal loss. Gradually they find the makings of a plot that will shake the foundations of the world they live on.
Gun X Sword is set on the 'Planet Of Endless Illusion'; a place where rogues of all sorts gather. The world itself has one moon orbiting it, and has a general technical level of modern Earth, with a few exceptions, such as humanoid combat suits called 'Armors'. The overall culture has a 'wild west' feel to it, with general lawlessness in the more rural areas and large expanses of wilderness.
I just finished watching this anime, very good show. I believe this is in the same universe as Trigun and Gungrave.
PS: Oops. Don't mind the title, I forgot.