Genre: Comedy, Romance, Shounen
Brief Summary: 10-year old Negi Springfield is a wizard-in-training, and needs only to pass one more test in order to become a Master Wizard. Unfortunately, his final task is a bizarre one- to become a English teacher at an all-females boarding school. As soon as he arrives, he completely embarasses one of his students, Asuna Kagurazaka, and replaces the teacher she loves, which garners her hatred. To make matters worse, Asuna learns that Negi is a wizard,and promises to tell unless he helps her out. But, unfortunately, circumstances force them to work together to do many things, from fighting evil wizards to helping the class pass their final exam, with a lot of humor, magic, and romances thrown in.
Personal Rating:

Personal Comment: I'm a really big fan of Love Hina and Mahou Sensei Negima mangas. But at first thought, I wasn't looking forward to watching Mahou Sensei Negima the anime coz to my dissapointment, the Love Hina anime didn't really match up with the manga. Man I was wrong... Mahou Sensei Negima the anime really is one of the best anime I've watched to date... Hence the 5 rating...
The first few episodes was kinda a bit draggy coz it was similar to the manga, but as I move along, the anime clearly showed itself as a different entity... The character's characters are a little bit different from the manga and sames goes for the plot line... But that didn't diminishes the story one bit at all... It gives you the feeling of seeing Mahou Sensei Negima in a whole new way...
So in conclusion, those of you who havn't watched it, its a must watch.... (unless ofcourse you're not into this kinda of anime....)
BTW, I've got one question.... I've only watched to episode 21 so.......

Which scene does this belongs to?