Genre: Comedy, Psychological, Science Fiction, Supernatural
Brief Summary: On the first day of high school a beautiful girl named Haruhi Suzumiya introduces herself as having "no interest in ordinary humans". She asks for any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers to join her. Watching her weird behaviour is Kyon a boy who sits in front of Haruhi and is the only person who talks to her. Commenting on Haruhi's joining every club in school and then quitting Kyon unwittingly gives Haruhi an idea to start her own after school club. Thereafter Kyon and several others find themselves literally dragged into the Save our world by Overloading it with fun Suzumiya Haruhi's Brigade (the S.O.S. Brigade for short).
Personal Rating:
Personal Comment: Lol, cool and funny show. Though not as funny as the other animes that I've watched but still, its worth a watch. The anime is wierd I can tell you that. It looks like the episodes are out of sequence but its actually in order and the first episode is not the anime itself. Confused? Me too
Also, note the third episode which will show you a sure fire way to get a free PC
In conclusion, if you don't like the show, you will sure like this part of the anime...