Title: School Rumble
No. of Episodes: Season 1 (26), Season 2 (11 episodes ready.... still broadcasting in Japan)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shounen
Rate: 5 stars out of 5
Plot Summary by AnimeNFO:
Tsukamoto Tenma is a second grader in high school who, like other girls her age, falls in love. However, she could not bring herself to confess her love to her classmate Karasumaru. She discovers that Karasumaru will transfer out next year and, with the help of her friends and her little sister Yakumo, tries to confess her love. Tenma also uses unorthodox methods such as disguising herself as a nurse or shooting arrows with a love letter attached to express her feelings for him.
On the other hand, Harima Kenji, a delinquent, has feelings for Tenma. Unfortunately, Tenma's preoccupation with Karasumara ensures that she doesn't notice Harima's affection, much to Harima's dismay. To make matters worse, one day, he sees Tenma and Karasumaru having lunch together. This causes him to skip school and embark on a journey of enlightenment.
Personal Comment:
Don't be fooled by the title, the Genre or the plot summary, this is no ordinary lovy-dovy, against the odds kinda show. It is that and more. Set in a class room setting, these more than 32 guys and gals get into all sorts of hell like the persuit of love, class outings, part-time jobs, sports day, cultural festivals, gun fights, discussions of porn, italian gansters and ofcourse inter-school rivalry between 2-C and 2-D.... Reminds me of my 5N1 and 5N2 rivalry....
Calling it funny would be an understatement. I'll laugh no matter how many times I see the show. Also, one of the fun parts is trying to guess who will pair up in the end. Unlike the shows you know this character is gonna end up with this guy, school rumble has many possible pairing.
This anime is a must watch....