Genres: Genres: Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Shounen
Plot Summary: "Henrietta" was an innocent little girl when her entire family was massacred and she was left for dead. She was rescued by a privately-owned social welfare organization and given cybernetic components over her battered body. Brainwashed by the organization, she and four other girls now work as cold-blooded assassins, doing the dirty work for the Italian government.
Comment: Each of the young girls are paired up with an older, much more professional male who as a guardian, partner and supervisor. These pairs of aces are referred to as “fratellos”. Instead of having any true plot to connect all the episodes, each one focuses on a single fratello and explores the dynamic sbetween the girl and ago supervisor. These relationships vary greatly; some of supervisors acting as loving parents while others only using the girls as tools tons of get the job done.
Builds on an interesting concept of character relationships, has a depressing tone and a disappointing finale. Able to instil paedophilic desire in perfectly normal males