If I can get into singaporepools website, I will attached the link.
But now the site is down.

I read the article from Today's Paper
"Betting junkies, this is your lucky day Cubby Leong
[email protected]IF YOU are a 4D junkie, the odds have just swung in your favour.
Next Thursday Singapore Pools is launching iBet, a new game that will create more winners because it is now cheaper to bet on all the permutations of a number.
Previously, when a bet was placed on the number — say, "1234" — and its 24 possible combinations, it cost at least $24.
With iBet, that same bet will only cost $1.
A punter can place a bet on "1234" and it doesn't really matter what sequence comes out (1234 or 4321, for example); as long as those four numbers appear — in any order — the punter wins. Of course, the prize money will be proportionately reduced.
Under the current System Bet, a $24 4D Big bet wins a first prize of $2,000. If a punter opts for iBet, $1 will win him $83.
Singapore Pools believes the iBet system is a cheaper way to tackle 24 permutations.
"As with any new system, it is hard for us to forecast how our customers will respond," said Singapore Pools chief executive Tan Soo Nan. "But we are expecting iBet to get more popular because, really, it is cheaper to wager on."
Added a Singapore Pools spokesperson: "This game will be attractive because there is less money being wagered. (With) the new iBet system, one is able to buy more chances for less."
For avid 4D fans, such as executive Don Lee, the system may create a new breed of complainers.
"This is for people who complain they don't win enough," said the 29-year-old. "It has been introduced to entice those who never get lucky. People have long been complaining they don't 'strike' enough, so maybe after this, we'll get sick of hearing people winning."
Singapore Pools announced another change yesterday: The 4D Roll, aimed at reducing congestion at its betting outlets.
Previously, 4D punters would have to mark out bets on several sheets for a spread of variations. With 4D Roll, however, the player puts down three numbers, with the fourth digit being anything from zero to nine, forming 10 4D variations on each betting slip.
This effectively kills the need to mark out 10 boards on separate betting slips. The minimum bet with 4D Roll is now $10.