Make one sponge cake first. Followed by durian topping below:-
Durian Topping
Fine Sugar 210g
Custard Power 7 Tbsp + Hoen kwey(HK) Flour 2 tbsp
Instant Jelly 2 Tbsp
Coconut Milk 1200g
Mashed Durian 120g
Pinch of salt
A)Mix 1/2 coconut milk with salt. Boil
B)Mix instant jelly with some sugar (out of 210g sugar) and add into A
C)Mix remaining 1/2 coconut milk with Custard and HK. Add into A too.
Turn off fire
D)Add durian last and stir until starchy
C)Beat some whipping cream (A little will do). Add in mixture too.
Cut sponge cake into 2 or 3 layers. Spread with above mixture & cover one by one. Refrigerate until set.