Originally posted by foolsh_2000:U scared people see u drvg taxi?some TD even engrave the word TAXI at the back of the rooftop.always remember what the $7000 guy says,the taxi is a money making machine.
Money making my foot. For the taxi companies, yes. Tell yourself la, how much money can you make from driving taxi? The pay is stagnant. 7K 8K a month? Ya. You drive for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week okay? You can take it anot. For how long? Nonsense man. Most taxi drivers are well known cock talkers. I drive for 1 year because i wanna know when the cock will stop. It seriously stopped because really no mood for anything else. And BTW i have degree and masters. These taxi drivers if they dont drive taxi or Uber the very most they can go be toilet cleaners or dishwashers.
if u r expecting $7-8k income per month from driving taxi or uber. u can forget about it. since u drive for a year u know the hourly gross that u can achieve. question is whether can u reduce yr cost to max. yr income.
if u r talking about using the taxi for private use and put the cost to yr taxi cost, of course u cant earn. last but not least.
td dont need degree or master. dont think that u got the papers u r many class above.
Originally posted by peterpan212:if u r expecting $7-8k income per month from driving taxi or uber. u can forget about it. since u drive for a year u know the hourly gross that u can achieve. question is whether can u reduce yr cost to max. yr income.
if u r talking about using the taxi for private use and put the cost to yr taxi cost, of course u cant earn.
last but not least. td dont need degree or master. dont think that u got the papers u r many class above.
driving taxi is the last resort,not that we liked it but no choice or like somebody say go n become cleaner or dishwasher.
Originally posted by mAdCaB:Money making my foot. For the taxi companies, yes. Tell yourself la, how much money can you make from driving taxi? The pay is stagnant. 7K 8K a month? Ya. You drive for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week okay? You can take it anot. For how long? Nonsense man. Most taxi drivers are well known cock talkers. I drive for 1 year because i wanna know when the cock will stop. It seriously stopped because really no mood for anything else. And BTW i have degree and masters. These taxi drivers if they dont drive taxi or Uber the very most they can go be toilet cleaners or dishwashers.
other dont drive taxi/uber=toilet cleaners or dishwashers
u degree and masters=drive taxi/uber
degree and masters=toilet cleaners or dishwashers...
Dont see yourself so up lah!
look no much different lah!!
if they drive taxi /uber is so low class
U got degree and masters r even worst than them!!!
I see myself up. Cause i worked 20 years corporate. Quite burned out so took a break try out other things. But these 20 years i bought a small condo in town fully paid up. So now relax first. How I know driving taxi is never relaxed. Better than some taxi drivers stay rental flats you go drive to Chin Swee or Sims you can see how many taxis parked there.
I never say drive forever. We must take breaks. And now from East go to Tuas for Uber the fare is only $23. I hope taxis get wiped out. If not also 50%. Life would be tougher. Good old days? You wait long long.
But hey i can afford to throw key you can anot? If can you go throw and do other things. Uber earn lesser nevermind. Got car to use can already. If not just lan lan continue to drive taxi.
The financial freedom to throw key is already an advantage. If you have no choice then too bad.
Originally posted by mAdCaB:I see myself up. Cause i worked 20 years corporate. Quite burned out so took a break try out other things. But these 20 years i bought a small condo in town fully paid up. So now relax first. How I know driving taxi is never relaxed. Better than some taxi drivers stay rental flats you go drive to Chin Swee or Sims you can see how many taxis parked there.
I never say drive forever. We must take breaks. And now from East go to Tuas for Uber the fare is only $23. I hope taxis get wiped out. If not also 50%. Life would be tougher. Good old days? You wait long long.
You so gooood...I neber even pass PSLE. Failed until overage then principal say cannot study anymore.
But I oso got degree lah. My lau huay is -225 degrees.
I know many drive taxis their egos is very big 1. See their talking and action on the roads can tell already. Can match those egos of big shot bankers or big companies' CEO. Hence, the lowest job they can accept is driving taxi because if not their age and capabilities only can resort to do other much lesser jobs. But they earn 3K can talk till they earning 30K.
Driving taxi is not easy but to earn that 3-4K you can even see them sleeping in their cars by the roadside. Its takes 1 to drive a taxi to really know 1. Eye-opener.
Originally posted by mAdCaB:I know many drive taxis their egos is very big 1. See their talking and action on the roads can tell already. Can match those egos of big shot bankers or big companies' CEO. Hence, the lowest job they can accept is driving taxi because if not their age and capabilities only can resort to do other much lesser jobs. But they earn 3K can talk till they earning 30K.
Driving taxi is not easy but to earn that 3-4K you can even see them sleeping in their cars by the roadside. Its takes 1 to drive a taxi to really know 1. Eye-opener.
Drive taxi how to see other taxi drivers' ego? Take many taxis then can see their ego mah..like our lau kuay bu mod here.
There is a comfort cabby with more than 60 land title deeds and properties, including GCBs (good class bungalow). He also got degree and was retrenched years ago. He is doing well as a cabby, making around $10K or more no joke. He can dont work one. But choose to be cabby and refused to support GU or PH car.
Uncle me can clock $2K after costs in 4 straight days and then relax one corner. Dont ask what i do for a living. I was also a cabby.
What we have in common is self control. Dont anyhow emo. Stay low profile and anonymous. Dress normal. Wear normal. Dont provoke people and restrain yourself when pissed off.
Ask yourself morning peak hour business in CBD dropped how much thanks to private hire. You see early morning all taxis wait in line outside OG or hotels like MBS, Oriental, Swiss etc. Once good old days are gone none is coming back. You are going against a bunch of young people whom need the expenses of a car waived and not an income out of it. Those earning a living via driving taxi, be prepared for the worst. Bloody airport queue can queue till the exit from PIE into ECP.
These type of thing Uber,govt dared not ban.cos US coy,govt dared not offend them.now everywhere go queue, at least 5 taxis alrdy queing. Bid for jobs,10xs only get 1 taiko job.even Grabtaxi the same,just outside condo also cannot get
Originally posted by mAdCaB:Ask yourself morning peak hour business in CBD dropped how much thanks to private hire. You see early morning all taxis wait in line outside OG or hotels like MBS, Oriental, Swiss etc. Once good old days are gone none is coming back. You are going against a bunch of young people whom need the expenses of a car waived and not an income out of it. Those earning a living via driving taxi, be prepared for the worst. Bloody airport queue can queue till the exit from PIE into ECP.
Dont be too quick to write off taxis. GU and PH fulfill a segment of the market with different needs, such as yourself. There are people who will swear by uber, and those who only want a taxi. I have witnessed a family who booked a grabcar, later a nissan sunny showed up and the angry mother asked WTF did her son book a private car. I was not a cabby but saw it while inside a condo. The driver was asked to leave empty.
Transportation needs are very diverse. Some can only afford to walk or ebike or cycle. Some use cabs, some bus around. Some prefer to own a car. For this crowd, some are willing to become GU driver for various reasons - its not always about money although its common. Some of the more well to do wont even think about GU - the income is just too little. Others are too busy to even bother with GU. Then there are those who are chauffeured around. So the way i see it, taxi polulation may decrease, but it wont go away. I mean look at the trishaw. Until today still have.
Life is characterized by diversity. There is no such thing as one size fits all. What is beautiful to you can be either plain looking or scary to others. Everyone got different brains and there is not a single type of job or hobby or career that will suit all.
many tds manage to support n bring up children complete university study.
wat's wrong with u if u cannot even support yrself drive taxi.
wat is the purpose of tis thread
u upper class td cause got papers n own condo?
dont forget many pmet drive taxi. they may be more educated n earn more than u previously. no need to haolian.
taxi cannot make a living? many td can prove u wrong.
uber can make a living better than taxi?
u will find out soon the hard way.
in short, compare to other td. many td can earn better than u achieved. isnt it clear where lies the problem? someone cannot face the fact still dream in his corporate world. tink his experience got use. cant even really make money from driving taxi.
Originally posted by peterpan212:many tds manage to support n bring up children complete university study.
wat's wrong with u if u cannot even support yrself drive taxi.
wat is the purpose of tis thread
u upper class td cause got papers n own condo?
dont forget many pmet drive taxi. they may be more educated n earn more than u previously. no need to haolian.
taxi cannot make a living? many td can prove u wrong.
uber can make a living better than taxi?
u will find out soon the hard way.
in short, compare to other td. many td can earn better than u achieved. isnt it clear where lies the problem? someone cannot face the fact still dream in his corporate world. tink his experience got use. cant even really make money from driving taxi. still talk big.
Today, I grieve for a good friend of mine, who just pass away, a down to earth experience limo cab cabby aka durian head for many many years.......
Smlj degree or master, just driving taxi for a year, you think you know a lot, *my center finger to you*........
Got "material" one won't cum here and bark like a mad dog, you are just a cheapo, study high high, can't even secure a simple job, no money to buy car to show off, go rent one and think you jin eh sai........
Your whole story contradict so much that even my finger typing on my keyboard now also is a waste of time pinpoint you.......
Young man, if you are not a spoke man for uber, than be humble a bit, now here is taxi forum, you drive uber can cari makan, impart some skill to fellow forumites, not cum here and blar, blar, blar, study so high until your brain ki siao is it........
Taxi driving although is mid range labour job, but is still driven by all Sinkies, you jin eh sai, go tell your story in expat forum, arbo, I read one time, fark you one time.......
I no more a TD, but don't think that I will look down on them, one mountain is higher than another mountain, cut the crap and be down to earth.......
You know which condo I staying in town? KNN i drive taxi because of the rubbish i heard over the media and from taxi drivers. 7K a month. My bloody foot. Most taxi drivers are low educated and manual labourers. This job to them is a GOD-send. SG how small only. You need more than 1 year to crack the code? My cock! If you are good drive 1 year enough. If you are rubbish, drive taxi 20 years still driving taxi. This 1 year i already know what is the lifestyle and demographics. There are elite drivers yes, those stay landed and condo property bought during their prime years. Last time SG so easy to make money compared to now, if you are over 50 and still driving for only income and not because retired for nothing to do or for leisure, then you really wasted your whole productive life.
who care about yr lj condo?
u have show us :
1. u cannot pay for a car that is much less than a condo.
2. who to blame when u only listen to one source never do yr research. really doubt yr 20 experience. is tis a joke?
3. 五å��æ¥ç¬‘百æ¥ã€‚u r like one of them still tink u r more upper class. the fact that many td can earn much better than u now show that u r nothing better than them in tis trade.
4. uber to pass time. agreed. income better than td. no way at the moment.
So your knn so call condo can feed you? Ah, graduate.......
You see a lot? Laujiao let you bite OK, young man, go be somebody before you cum here and degrade everyone thinking you are superious.......
If you still need to drive just for that income than whatever you tell us here how eh saiyou are is farking nonsense.........
Now I know why all so call graduate cant get a job and suck thumb cum be a driver and act like a farking stock expert preaching and teaching limpek how to fark.......
You want to boast, tell us, you fully paid a farking new car and a uber driver for leisure, smlj rent a NEW CAR, your cheebye ego damn hopeless........
Cum, limpek find you a job in order to match your egoism, moron.........
you jin eh sai???..condo in town..but bo $ buy car must do uber:)..(i never look down on Uber driver..just a JOB)
every month end pay condo installment until beh tahan:)
Originally posted by mAdCaB:You know which condo I staying in town? KNN i drive taxi because of the rubbish i heard over the media and from taxi drivers. 7K a month. My bloody foot. Most taxi drivers are low educated and manual labourers. This job to them is a GOD-send. SG how small only. You need more than 1 year to crack the code? My cock! If you are good drive 1 year enough. If you are rubbish, drive taxi 20 years still driving taxi. This 1 year i already know what is the lifestyle and demographics. There are elite drivers yes, those stay landed and condo property bought during their prime years. Last time SG so easy to make money compared to now, if you are over 50 and still driving for only income and not because retired for nothing to do or for leisure, then you really wasted your whole productive life.
Even a "low educated and manual labourer" taxi driver can tell that the 7K a month is unrealistic, what more, you a highly educated person.
If you had chosen to believe that $7K story and jumped into the trade when everyone else was dismissing it in the social media, then you have only yourself to blame for being gullible, naive and not doing your homework well. Why blame taxi drivers?
It was your own decision then. Now you have switched to Uber and there are many stories about Uber and Grab. So, next time you fail to make it as Uber/Grab driver, are you going to label and condemn all Uber/Grab drivers as well?