During bus lane hours, when travelling on sims ave, pax wants to go Aljunied MRT
Q1 Aljunied Road have bus lane, during bus lane hours where do you stop to drop pax?
aljunied road bus lane opposite aljunied mrt https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.3159703,103.8817727,3a,75y,347.32h,68.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUW3hSAPAbuSBclUaoYFNEA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
aljunied road bus lane aljunied mrt https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.3167417,103.8819029,3a,75y,167.81h,86.67t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDGHC4T2vcgQzONJpHugJZA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
Q2 Do you stop at Lor 25A Geylang or Lor 25 Geylang?
Lor 25A Geylang https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.316051,103.8832302,3a,75y,330.95h,72.83t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sR-yRcjmTNLByw1b_35XLCg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Lor 25 Geylang https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.3156507,103.8825554,3a,75y,4.62h,74.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seuJfAGxvjzBwgKcDWFVRwg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
Q3 Aljunied road and Geylang east central road junction traffic light no U turn sign so where you make u turn to go to Aljunied MRT? https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.3175871,103.881849,3a,75y,346.32h,69.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxIL2mUSFCx3K0FqADDT3dQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Q4 During no bus lane hours where you stop for pax going Aljunied mrt?
Aljunied? Best is reject. Do CBD 13 trips enough. Dont come out of CBD.
Originally posted by mAdCaB:Aljunied? Best is reject. Do CBD 13 trips enough. Dont come out of CBD.
I am asking a serious question. If old birds can share please share. Thanks
These type of paxs just drop them anywhere, they Will be happy alrdy.most of them r foreigners.
Originally posted by foolsh_2000:These type of paxs just drop them anywhere, they Will be happy alrdy.most of them r foreigners.
Pax is a good pax. I am saying that I an driving on sims ave going to Aljunied MRT.
Use ur brains lah.turn left drop them near coffeeshop
Originally posted by foolsh_2000:Use ur brains lah.turn left drop them near coffeeshop
Not everyone born to be a super expert taxi driver. If not keen to help no need to say anything. If I drive long time enough of course I will also know, no need to ask already.
Originally posted by foolsh_2000:Use ur brains lah.turn left drop them near coffeeshop
Originally posted by sg11:During bus lane hours, when travelling on sims ave, pax wants to go Aljunied MRT
Q1 Aljunied Road have bus lane, during bus lane hours where do you stop to drop pax?aljunied road bus lane opposite aljunied mrt https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.3159703,103.8817727,3a,75y,347.32h,68.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUW3hSAPAbuSBclUaoYFNEA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
aljunied road bus lane aljunied mrt https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.3167417,103.8819029,3a,75y,167.81h,86.67t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDGHC4T2vcgQzONJpHugJZA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1Q2 Do you stop at Lor 25A Geylang or Lor 25 Geylang?
Lor 25A Geylang https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.316051,103.8832302,3a,75y,330.95h,72.83t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sR-yRcjmTNLByw1b_35XLCg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Lor 25 Geylang https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.3156507,103.8825554,3a,75y,4.62h,74.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seuJfAGxvjzBwgKcDWFVRwg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
Q3 Aljunied road and Geylang east central road junction traffic light no U turn sign so where you make u turn to go to Aljunied MRT? https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@1.3175871,103.881849,3a,75y,346.32h,69.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxIL2mUSFCx3K0FqADDT3dQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656Q4 During no bus lane hours where you stop for pax going Aljunied mrt?
Q2 is correct. Turn left to either Lor 25 or Lor 25A Geylang. Both can but are dead end roads. Go right to the end. Can drop pax. Sometimes after dropping pax, got pax waiting for you there.
Originally posted by Taxilim88:Q2 is correct. Turn left to either Lor 25 or Lor 25A Geylang. Both can but are dead end roads. Go right to the end. Can drop pax. Sometimes after dropping pax, got pax waiting for you there.
Originally posted by Taxilim88:Q2 is correct. Turn left to either Lor 25 or Lor 25A Geylang. Both can but are dead end roads. Go right to the end. Can drop pax. Sometimes after dropping pax, got pax waiting for you there.
thats what i usually do, least its safer to stop
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