An Indonesian city has banned Uber : .
Originally posted by bowah:PAP wins liao leh..this might also mean that pple are happy with UBER in Singapore, happy with immigration, happy with more FTs, happy with high cost of living, and from a taxi drivers perspectives, happy with the high rental and happy driving as a taxi driver in Singapore….So, u think they will ban Uber here. The answer will be please see..
Mr. Tan ku ku
I spoke to my taxi customers and found out from them that during peak hours they also attempted to call Uber but could not get them to come (probably due also to high demand and Uber not serving neighbourhood districts).
My personal opinion is new citizens gave PAP a boost of more than 3% based on 20,000 new citizens per year so the result actually shows PAP improved 10% from 60% to 66% (10%) and not to 69%. This 10% probably is due to cost of housings only rising by less than 5% over the last 4 years instead of the outrageously high increase from 2006 to 2011 so PAP claimed back the votes from the younger voters and got back to their 2006 level (based on 66% not 69% average performance).
As a not too old taxi driver, I am not happy with high rental but I know the super lao jiaos are happy with having to pay old rates.
Ban Uber depends on whether taxi drivers protest and whether consumers like it or not and whether it creates more problems or solve the shortage of taxis problems during peak hours and who the head of LTA is and who the new Transport Minister is.
People would not be happy if PAP raises GST within these few years. PAP did not promise not to raise GST unlike in 2011.
When the stock markets collapse anytime these few years and income drops, don't know whether they would make this move.
Dont pretend to be anti-PAP but still vote for PAP. Now that you voted for them, do not complain.
the people has spoken,nothing can be done.foreign immigrant will still come in,good jobs will go to places will go to them,more alienation and separation of foreigners fr locals,infra structure will be prices will keep going up.
You need to understand who owns Blue Bird .