1)paxs always complain and chute pattern:take longer route,adding surcharges, why u taking this route and why so expensive.
2)competition fr Uber and Grabcar
3)more buses and MRT lines being built. Free travel on MRT
4)too high rental
5)becoming anti-social,no social life,no exercise, too long hours on the road, no recreation.
6)have high blood pressure ,diabetic,liver and kidney problems cos holding the bladder for too long
7)no support fr coy only know how to give warning letters
Haha uncle think positive la
Life is short so enjoy ur every second
So be Happy happy happy
ts is right and wrong at the same time.
right becos the things mention is right. td face these all the time as long as they are bound to the trade...why are they bound to the trade? becos most td do not realize a fundamental of the trade, also fundamental of any economic situation.
demand and supply.
if supply exceed demand, then u are in trouble, becos u (seller) need them (buyers). so td problem actually come from here..they need the trade to earn the money. they need the buyers which give them the trouble.
but if demand exceed supply, then things become interesting. becos they (buyers) need u (seller). so actually who are the people best suited to td? ironically, its the people who do not need the trade to make money, like those retirees or those who past time. $$ fly into my pockets every second every minute as i drive my buyers, as i chitchat with them, even as i typing now. becos even the most nasty of buyers cannot affect me, i still can find a way to make the greensgreens in their pockets happily jump into my pocket. to date, i never kanna a complain, i still even get recommendations what a joke haha.
so the trick to becoming a happy td is ignore the carrots. suddenly the sun looks shining. the occasional dark clouds may be there but they cannot shadow u. the more attention you pay to the carrots, the more you fear them, the more you loathe the conditions they bring with them. i never pay too much serious attention to my buyers. becos in my mind. I do not need them or their carrots. i have my own big farm. but if totally don't drive, will also boring :D
Reading the title is bewildering ...
Makes one wonder if becoming a TD will die or kena some terminal illness
only a dead person feels no hunger ...
I thought uncle foo found many new eating places so no more hunger for taxi drivers.
All the points are not new, most of us here do it out of necessity, not hunger for taxi driving. We are hungry for money, for survival, not taxi driving. Taxi driving is most probably a last resort.
Although taxi driving is all that and more, it can at least put food on the table and help pay bills. And it is perhaps better than working for a bullying boss for a low pay.
So take taxi driving as a "stop gap" measure while you look for a better source of income. Never, ever give up your dream of a better life.
Stay foolish, stay hungry (but not fot taxi driving, lol)
Being a TD, in my opinion, is a free spirited job. Not only taxis is not easy, most jobs in singapore are also not easy, the fact that most of us came from working class and decided to switch to driving taxis, should had known that working life is also not easy. Taxi driving is more of no boss, just the taxi company and fuel you have to settle, working life is alway having few bosses on top of you, pros and cons, but in working life you just cannot walk away as and when you like. In Singapore, alot of people works long hours, from construction to marine to shenton way offices, contrary to all that, the most important thing is, given your characters and background, are you happy with what you are doing, the ways you are earning your honest living and the life you choose to be. Of course most of us would like to give excuses that it is the society, the cost of living, the govt that causes or push us to drive taxi, it might be true, but it can also be some lame excuses to set one free from the domain of a disciplined salary paid job.
Originally posted by Autorespond:Being a TD, in my opinion, is a free spirited job. Not only taxis is not easy, most jobs in singapore are also not easy, the fact that most of us came from working class and decided to switch to driving taxis, should had known that working life is also not easy. Taxi driving is more of no boss, just the taxi company and fuel you have to settle, working life is alway having few bosses on top of you, pros and cons, but in working life you just cannot walk away as and when you like. In Singapore, alot of people works long hours, from construction to marine to shenton way offices, contrary to all that, the most important thing is, given your characters and background, are you happy with what you are doing, the ways you are earning your honest living and the life you choose to be. Of course most of us would like to give excuses that it is the society, the cost of living, the govt that causes or push us to drive taxi, it might be true, but it can also be some lame excuses to set one free from the domain of a disciplined salary paid job.
Agree with your comments but taxi driving though free-spirited also requires a lot of self-discipline. Self-discipline to drive up to 12 hours to make the max and not call-it-a-day at 8 or 10 hours point. However this is entirely up to every individual taxi-driver depending on how much he wants to make and how much his body could take.
In sg most important is money
money money money lol
It is extremely necessary to have money in Singapore.
Originally posted by Autorespond:Being a TD, in my opinion, is a free spirited job. Not only taxis is not easy, most jobs in singapore are also not easy, the fact that most of us came from working class and decided to switch to driving taxis, should had known that working life is also not easy. Taxi driving is more of no boss, just the taxi company and fuel you have to settle, working life is alway having few bosses on top of you, pros and cons, but in working life you just cannot walk away as and when you like. In Singapore, alot of people works long hours, from construction to marine to shenton way offices, contrary to all that, the most important thing is, given your characters and background, are you happy with what you are doing, the ways you are earning your honest living and the life you choose to be. Of course most of us would like to give excuses that it is the society, the cost of living, the govt that causes or push us to drive taxi, it might be true, but it can also be some lame excuses to set one free from the domain of a disciplined salary paid job.
Free spirited? Not really at all although it may seem like it to an outsider. The hard truth is there are rent & fuel to pay. You need to put in the hours, no escaping.
You want off? Pay for it. You want to relax and drive less, you earn less.You want to drive only when you feel like driving, take off as & when you like like a free spirit? Yes, can but your earnings will be so meagre you can't even make ends meet.
At the end of a hard day or night, even if the spirit is willing, the flesh is already weak. Serious taxi drivers are not a free spirited lot at all. They are just over worked self employed people, not business owners.
That's why for me, this is just a temporary, stop-gap , "job". The status quo cannot continue. It is easy to get complacent and attached to the "job", like a comfortable frog enjoying the warmth in a slow boiling pot of water....lol
But I am still grateful for the income it provides which is life saving....
I am surprised there r so many philosophers, Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu here in this trade!
Originally posted by foolsh_2000:1)paxs always complain and chute pattern:take longer route,adding surcharges, why u taking this route and why so expensive.
this can counter by asking pax preferred route
2)competition fr Uber and Grabcar
suck thumb
3)more buses and MRT lines being built. Free travel on MRT
definately will affect cab rides a bit in time to come
4)too high rental
high rental means lower income
5)becoming anti-social,no social life,no exercise, too long hours on the road, no recreation.
need to self manage, see open, need to make time for other activities
6)have high blood pressure ,diabetic,liver and kidney problems cos holding the bladder for too long
you should never hold toilet breaks, have a proper workout or exercise schedule
7)no support fr coy only know how to give warning letters
company only wants your $, the rest they are not keen to know
replies in blue
Originally posted by foolsh_2000:I am surprised there r so many philosophers, Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu here in this trade!
of course now is 百家çˆé³´ , è�¬æ•™é½Šç™¼
Many replying could be some religious leaders or saints ...
actually lately business not so good, don't know if its stock market or 7th month, or 3rd party private pick ups
Originally posted by j007:actually lately business not so good, don't know if its stock market or 7th month, or 3rd party private pick ups
Day or night driving? My day driving business still within normal fluctuation range.
Originally posted by j007:actually lately business not so good, don't know if its stock market or 7th month, or 3rd party private pick ups
Lower your target lah. Then you will feel happier
4K-5K range is acceptable target for taxi industry, but must work hard.