i inserted a straw into my gf's vagina and drink up all her urine. You guys should try it. It was yummy
i tink u work as a toiletbowl better
next time, insert the straw when she's having her period then drink up all her blood..
next time use a bubble tea straw
i caught u again.
You're back with the senseless topics!
girls dont pee from vagina
TS gf is monster or alien?
Today during sex, I had sex.
I had great sex.
it NEVER fails to amuse me.. i see the topic under the "newest topics" i start larfing coz i noe how retarded this is going to get.. hahaha...
urine dun come from there.
pls revise ur bio
NPNT! exactly where did the straw went!!!!
wow... i wonder if u drink from public toilet as well...
bert bert
bun bun
bert bert lonely anotchs?
If you think that that the girl pees from inside of her pussy.
Maybe you have been fucking her pee hole by mistake all this time?
You must be cursed with needle dick if you can get inside her urethra .
Originally posted by Mengna Lisha:i inserted a straw into my gf's vagina and drink up all her urine. You guys should try it. It was yummy
ur knowledge of humans is =________________________________="
Maybe his gf is not human?
Perhaps he is cursed with bad eyesight and a small penis?
Totally in need of +1.
Originally posted by Cowbaycowboo:NPNT!
exactly where did the straw went!!!!
LOL! riiiiiight.. THERE. =D
wah lan... 8days liao still no video from TS har...
U got the wrong straw, I think u got a bendable ones. thats why your straw goes the wrong way.
Invest a good pin hole camera, maybe u can have a clearer view when inside.