Here are big example and major reasons "Why should every parents choose Autism Step Singapore?"
Liyuan was Jenson’s, my three-year-old son’s, Case Manager/therapist from May 2013 to January 2014. Although Jenson had gone through more than a year of speech and occupational therapy, as well as early intervention programmes then, he had serious compliance issues and he could only verbalize no more than five words. Jenson was unable to sit down for more than five minutes, threw frequent tantrums, was very rigid and had no eye contact with other people.
When Liyuan first came to assess Jenson, I was impressed with his knowledge and application of the Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) approach. The two-hour assessment session took three-hours as I had endless questions to ask and he patiently answered all my questions. Liyuan also came across as very approachable, which I think is an important criterion for a Case Manager, as both the child and parents need to feel comfortable working with the Case Manager.
Liyuan was always cheerful yet firm with Jenson. He was focused in helping and stretching Jenson’s ability appropriately. I was amazed that after the first session with Liyuan, Jenson could say “help me” and used it appropriately subsequently. Liyuan would always stay behind after his session to share with me what he had done during the session and Jenson’s progress. When he learnt that Jenson would be performing in his school year-end concert, he requested to attend the concert with us to show support for Jenson. The smile on Jenson’s face was priceless when he saw Liyuan at the concert.
Liyuan has always displayed a high level of professionalism in whatever he does, while at the same time not lacking the personal touch. He would reply to my messages promptly, regardless of the time the message was sent. His advice was very useful as it taught me how to manage Jenson’s behaviors and I successfully overcame Jenson’s obsession of playing with the sliding door and escalator! Whenever I was depressed and worried about Jenson’s future, he would give me words of encouragement and I really appreciate his support. When Liyuan knew that I had problems getting my family members to be consistent and firm with Jenson, Liyuan took time off on Saturday to speak to my family members on what autism was and the traits. He also emphasised the importance of being consistent, asked them for their concerns and proposed strategies that they could apply when dealing with Jenson. After that session, my family members’ awareness on autism definitely increased and they were much more receptive towards what I said and what should be done.
From observing and identifying the areas of concern, to tailoring the programme to suit Jenson, Liyuan followed through diligently. Due to his commitment, belief in the potential of Jenson and his close working partnership with my family, Liyuan was able to bring about significant positive changes in Jenson within a short period of time. Jenson can now site through a two-hour therapy session, eye contact has been established and his vocabulary has definitely increased. I am very grateful to have Liyuan as Jenson’s therapist. Though Liyuan is no longer Jenson’s Case Manager/therapist, I still keep in contact with him as he is now a friend and I never hesitate to seek his advice and support.
I would highly recommend Zhang Liyuan as he has the heart, passion, knowledge, skills and experience as a competent therapist.
I trust that the information provided will be of assistance and would be happy to provide further information, if required.
This is the big reason that an autistic child live as a normal human being without spending more money. Many autistic child and their parents live as happliy life.
Thanks @Rozyfrdyse for this info about Autism Step Singapore.
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects a person’s ability to make sense of the world and relate with others. Autism comes from ‘autos’, the Greek word for ‘self’, and a person with autism is often referred to as someone who lives in a world of his own.
Although there are many theories, no one fully knows the definitive answer to this question. Research shows that autism can be caused by a variety of conditions that affect brain development, which may occur before, during or after birth.
While the cause or combination of causes of autism is not fully understood, research suggests a biological correlation affecting the parts of the brain that process language and information coming in from the senses. Other research findings suggest that there may be an imbalance in certain chemicals in the brain. Genetic factors may sometimes be involved in certain families. In reality, what we know is that autism may develop from a combination of several “causes”.
Asperger’s Syndrome is a form of autism, a condition that affects the way a person makes sense of the world and relates to others. A number of traits of autism are common to Asperger’s Syndrome including: difficulties in communicating, social relationships, and a lack of social imagination and creative play.
Persons with Asperger’s Syndrome usually have fewer difficulties with language than those with classical autism, often speaking fluently, though their words can sometimes sound formal or ‘unusual’ to the listener. Even though they have few difficulties with language, they do have significant difficulties with social aspects of communication.
Many children with Asperger’s Syndrome are able to adapt to learning in a mainstream school setting. With the right support and encouragement, they are able to make good progress and go on to further education and employment options.
Autism is known as a spectrum disorder as no two persons with autism are the same. They may differ in the interaction of 2 key dimensions:
Any person with autism may have differing degrees of autism as well as intellectual abilities. This helps us understand that any combination may exist and we must not make assumptions that high autism always implies low ability or vice versa.
Every person with autism is to be understood so that we can find the best way to support them and help them better adapt to the community.
Autism is a life-long developmental disorder. There is currently no known “cure” for autism. Children with autism do not ‘outgrow’ autism but symptoms may lessen with intervention. Structured intervention and training will help the individuals acquire skills, but not cure the condition. There is a wide body of research to support the knowledge that young children with autism experience significant improvements when intervention is started at the earliest possible age.
The learning curve for the preschooler with autism is different from his/her peers. Children with autism often require explicit instruction and practice of the core missing skills in autism in the areas of social interaction, communication, self-regulation and organizational skills. in order to be more independent learners.