problem starts surfacing...
Did Auntie Saw sabotage the whole system b4 she left?
Part of the package for her stepping down.
U know how ppl usually sabotage the system when they leave their workplace...
Like logic bombs for programming staff... I'm sure U know wat I'm talking abt shreko
the trains were least on my rides...during the weekend and i kinda got sick/pukey on my ride back after the run yesterday.
who still clear w/ Maths qn?
wat's the math question???
if we cannot answer it, u can always find DH or go over the homework forum...
posted at HW forum le
Anyway, Auntie Saw last time said before... Bus chia are useless, everyone should take MRT.
siao... everyone take MRT, the train cannot even move... we become bangalah sitting on top of train liaox...
anyway, though my work still require me to use logarithm but I'm quite poor in logarithm, I'm better with differeniation though...
anyway... at the train nutters forum elsewhere...
There's a post saying CCL very empty... No crash loading...
Ya, tat's off peak hrs... Wait till they take the CCL during the peak hrs and it's the western loop
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
U know how ppl usually sabotage the system when they leave their workplace...
Like logic bombs for programming staff... I'm sure U know wat I'm talking abt shreko
No no! not me not me....
In the first place, placing a logic bomb can get one prosecuted under the Misuse of Computers Act.
So yeah.... don't even think of placing one before you leave.
Originally posted by shrekho:No no! not me not me....
no >___> I'm not saying u did... I'm just saying u shld know abt logic bombs >___>
@fudgey: yeah... it's a crime to use logic bombs...
While we're still on the subject of computers....
Last Saturday night I was trying to book air tickets on the Emirates website. However, the website kept crashing every time I tried to select my flight.
So I tried again on Sunday morning. This time I managed to get my tickets.
In a sense I was lucky the website kept crashing on Saturday night. They were charging $200 more on Saturday night than on Sunday morning.
So I saved quite a bit of dosh by booking my tickets on Sunday morning.
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
no >___> I'm not saying u did... I'm just saying u shld know abt logic bombs >___>
@fudgey: yeah... it's a crime to use logic bombs...
Fudgy and Acid.
This occured to me when I was at work some time back.
The DB table has a trigger to delete a particular record when an update or insert transaction action took place. The deleting was from a table that kept temp records. Useless until needed as audit or lookup. Otherwise considered as space wasting. As it was done in a hurry, no documentation or any form of agreement was taken down.
The guys who were in the project left. Some time later, new administrators and analyst took over and saw the delete trigger. as They could not understand the logic behind it, they dubbed it as "a malicious attempt to destablise a system thru means consider as blah blah blah".
So a lawsuit followed. Can't remember the outcome.
Will you consider this case as something to fight about?
Anyway I find it silly to plant logic bombs
Too easily detected.
I would want stuff that does not leave any trace or trail after execution. :D
Originally posted by shrekho:Fudgy and Acid.
This occured to me when I was at work some time back.
The DB table has a trigger to delete a particular record when an update or insert transaction action took place. The deleting was from a table that kept temp records. Useless until needed as audit or lookup. Otherwise considered as space wasting. As it was done in a hurry, no documentation or any form of agreement was taken down.
The guys who were in the project left. Some time later, new administrators and analyst took over and saw the delete trigger. as They could not understand the logic behind it, they dubbed it as "a malicious attempt to destablise a system thru means consider as blah blah blah".
So a lawsuit followed. Can't remember the outcome.
Will you consider this case as something to fight about?
Well, I'm no lawyer to comment on this -___-
Originally posted by shrekho:Anyway I find it silly to plant logic bombs
Too easily detected.
I would want stuff that does not leave any trace or trail after execution. :D
usually, logic bombs = = someone goofed up the code
!= any purposeful attempt to sabo .....
Originally posted by shrekho:Fudgy and Acid.
This occured to me when I was at work some time back.
The DB table has a trigger to delete a particular record when an update or insert transaction action took place. The deleting was from a table that kept temp records. Useless until needed as audit or lookup. Otherwise considered as space wasting. As it was done in a hurry, no documentation or any form of agreement was taken down.
The guys who were in the project left. Some time later, new administrators and analyst took over and saw the delete trigger. as They could not understand the logic behind it, they dubbed it as "a malicious attempt to destablise a system thru means consider as blah blah blah".
So a lawsuit followed. Can't remember the outcome.
Will you consider this case as something to fight about?
That is more of a case of an administrative SNAFU than a true logic bomb planted out of malice....
It goes to show the need for proper documentation when it comes to things like this.
had some rice crackers for tea but i doubt it'll hold me till dinner
Anyway i came up with a method of logic bomb without getting caught....
You cannot find my actions from code!
morning guys
Got a qn
Would an ageing set of aircon system push electricity bills higher? As in it's efficiency issue
probably. that and the repair/service cost/frequency.
My father bought a 2-tick refrigerator because 'it was cheaper'.
He couldn't grasp how a four-tick fridge would cost less in the long run due to its higher efficiency.