QX no go RWS's Casino ar?
no, I dun gamble..
maybe i'll hop over to IR next weekend
cassie, u happen to be a fb user..
Originally posted by QX179R:cassie, u happen to be a fb user..
yeah i have an FB account
Originally posted by cassie:
yeah i have an FB account
dun mind can PM me so dat I can add u later..
Originally posted by fudgester:Heheh.... just read some hilarious news from up north....
Apparently, their new submarine can't dive due to a technical fault, but their defence minister assures it will not interfere with its operations.
I dunno about you guys, but that's like buying an F-22 only to find that it can't fly while assuring everyone that it can still go on the road.
my grandfather was going on and on about how fucked up the bolehland gahmen is when I visited him in bekok yesterday. and he had a ton of conspiracy theories on how the gahmen is killing and torturing the opposition.
looks like an early dinner tonite
another warm & sunny side up day as usual..
Originally posted by QX179R:another warm & sunny side up day as usual..
pls dont remind me! sitting around, doing nada already sweat
much as I hate to remind u but its the fact..
Try IM with friends. Have you tried using Ribena's new wmotions?
Sorry I mean, Ribena's new emoticons i.e. Romanticons.
Originally posted by QX179R:much as I hate to remind u but its the fact..
i wish i could have ice kacang or cendol now
Originally posted by Ribena.Romanticons:Sorry I mean, Ribena's new emoticons i.e. Romanticons.
i thought ribena should be grapes ie purple colour
Originally posted by cassie:
i thought ribena should be grapes ie purple colour
u nvr watch the bollywood inspired ribena ad...
Originally posted by The man who was death:u nvr watch the bollywood inspired ribena ad...
Those little cousins of Grimace are always dancing around trees.
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Those little cousins of Grimace are always dancing around trees.
And now they're serenading lemons....
you guys are so funny!
yeah, aint no bollywood fan.
Let me introduce you to Berry from Ribena Romanticons:
now that's more like it!
Here are a few other Ribena emoticons or Romanticons:
after 7 pm, we move to night owls
morning. just up. still tired.
*me mysteriously appears in a puff of smoke*
Just got back from jogging.