Originally posted by Fatum:
I had ONE phone call for the car today ... and it happened when I was in church ... I told the fellow politely and he said he'll call back .... and he never did .....
That reminds me.....I've got tons of things to start rolling at VSCHQ again.
1) Time to remind everyone to fill in new attachment forms for approvals first and then whatever commute they have to do to have the forms finally certified that they can perform attachment duties for the new calendar year 2008.
2) Managed to siam gathering new phone, addy & dunno wat else forms for the whole HQ, simply becos I dont have access to computer system or email addy, my new head had previously rejected my request for such access....so....now he wants me to restart doing what I did and can do....I simply sourly mention.....'Cannot, and Dont Want'.
But still, its always good to keep a updated copy of those info for emergencies....I think I will still do it....but quietly does it.
3) New Nomination forms for everyone again....new insurances at HQ again...The blardy hell high turnover issues.
4) Need to throw out forms for courses to the masses so whenever there is a course coming up....we have applicants all ready. I die die must take on that Intermediate driving. I felt a need to drift....
5) New Year resolutions!
6) Must chase for new year itineries to get it fast fast approve and put up...so we have a standard timeline for everything. One thing about working with the old men in the office.......they know everything inside out, when they feel their guts moving...they know its time for something....which frankly....is never my style of working.
i rather have like schedules set out and opened for tender for whoever wants to gong gong volunteer to chair those events and I take a back seat and grin.