Ok. now lunch time, so I got time to type some more.
Was asked to teach auntie how to buy lunch for the bozzes. Did that.
Now tongpang auntie to take money, buy my lunch while I standby in the office and nua a bit.
It was a strange cultural shock in USA, when most people you meet in sunny california will always smile and ask you in greeting: 'Hi, How are you doing?'
In Singapore, you either meet with folks looking away suddenly or manage a weak smile.
For them to reply you, you can wait long long!
In one of the current survey position I am doing now. I need to often approach people, get some feedback and write down the feedbacks......imagine how tough it was!
Thankfully, I am learning. And Singaporeans needs to open up a bit more, smile and be gracious instead of standard confucians style reply with: "Ok"
Q1: ?
A1: Ok
Q2: ?
A2: Ok

A3: ok
With the angmohs, you get more replies, even if everything is good, they at least will try to chitchat a bit with you on anything unrelated to weather.....some will at least try to pretend to sian you a bit, even if they do not mean it. (Like I do)