well, eventually, they'll figure things out
here's something i wrote to someone whose intelligence is... awe-inspiring... she wrote something in her journal which is like a blog... i'll copy and paste it here:
I love reading your writings. They are always thought-provoking and makes me think about life and how things are.
This is no exception.
In the brutal words of my mom, she'd told me many times when I screwed up, "Experience teaches a fool, but it seems that you are worse than one..."
Those words bite. Especially when it is uttered by a parent to a child. However, does experience really teach anything to what is essentially our core being?
As you have written, we will make the same decisions, suffer the same hurt, do the same thing again and again because, maybe the heart doesn't listen and will never listen. For the mind may hold dominance over the body, find resistance in itself but the heart will go its own way no matter the consequences.
I'm not sure what prompted your friend to say it is stupidity. From a very logical view, for problem-solving, for trying to hammer square pegs into round holes, not learning from experience would be stupidity. However, when it comes to what you essentially are, the mind has no hold over that. That, is the difference.
To go against what you essentially are, in order to obtain a "desired outcome" could, in the beginning seem all good. However, one whose heart holds sway, will start to question the decision made. These questions will fester and I would think everything will eventually end up a mess.
So, maybe "experience teaches a fool but I am worse than that fool" but this fool has much to teach Machiavelli in terms of true happiness and fulfilment. For in our journey through life, the tears, the sorrow and the pitfalls, teach us that when we do eventually find our way, we cherish and appreciate those who walk with us, holding our hand, sometimes leading, sometimes following, but always by our side of their own free will.
so we hang in there, true to ourselves... the hopeful and hopeless romantic in me says we will eventually find someone.. and the both of us are true to ourselves, we will find happiness...
Originally posted by av98m:
Doesn't matter what the guys do, its the perception of the ladies thats the key isn't it.