during your relation, u might come across many problems, some, that others might even find it hard to believe..
so i thought before i go MIA again, i'll leave some general notes here...
1. no one knows the relation better then u do, when in doubt, try not to look at the relation as a part of it... look at it as if u're an out-sider. u'll see better and think clearer.
2. no matter what situation u're faced with, show courage and trust, to solve the problems and not avoid it. believe in ur feelings, believe in urself...
3. if a relation has to end, let it be, pack up ur feelings and move up, life has to continue, and one of this days, u'll have to pick up the shattered pieces and start living again, why let it drag, why not make it today?
4. if a person leaves u, it's not becos u're that lousy, that weak..(a small percent of the time, tis is ture... but it's so small, let's neglect it altogether..)it's becos he/she no longer loves u, and that u should no longer love him/her too...
5. the is always the factor of time and space, maybe the time was rite, but the space was wrong... so no choice, can be friends... who knows, maybe in the near future, time and space will come together...
6. lastly, love is not what others say, think or feel... after all, u only seek company and help when there is problems... u'll never ask ur friend out to celebrate any great moments, so who knows the good side of the relation but you? do whta u feel u mus, but always give your best, and be true to urself...
with so much said, i wish all of u good health, and memorable relations...