(Excerpt replay from Season 4 finale)

Jack has been dropped at some train tracks and he ducks behind some crates to make a call. Palmer answers and observes that Jack threaded the eye of the needle. Jack admits that he had some help. He wants to thank Palmer for advising him of the situation, he saved his life. Palmer is sorry it came to this, Jack is as well, and he just wanted to let Palmer know he was out. Palmer is glad and continues, ‘This is probably the last time we’ll ever speak. Jack, you do understand that when we hang up this call for all intents and purposes, Jack Bauer is dead.’ Jack, of course, understands and tells Palmer, “Mr. President, it has been an honour.” Palmer answers, ‘The same for me my friend.’ They hang up the call and Jack sighs. He comes out from behind the crates and begins to walk the tracks. He digs out his sunglasses and walks away into the sun hesitating to cross his bag over to the other shoulder. Jack walks off into the sunrise off the right side of the screen.
12 months later...

A brand new grey Toyota Avalon drives up, the location is Chicago, Illinois, 1:47:08. Jack is behind the wheel and the road is not busy, there are cars parked on the side of the road. As Jack drives he looks around him, his tattered hood on his blue zip-up is covering his hair but as he turns you can see that it is long and unkempt. He slowly parks the Toyota and continues to survey what is around him. He gets out of the vehicle and puts the same green bag over his shoulder. He closes the door and as the car locks it beeps. 2 men get out of a truck ahead of Jack and he hesitates for a beat as they look him over. Deciding they are harmless Jack walks past them. After they have passed him he turns to look at them walk away. Jack disappears around the other side of the truck.