TrailerToilet humor proudly descends to new depths in the sequel to the original Rob Schneider vehicle. The film opens with Deuce Bigalow (Schneider) at the beach doing research on fish, where he is bullied by a couple of kids. The situation quickly escalates into a catastrophe involving elderly blind people and dolphins. So when he gets a call from an old friend, T.J. Hicks (Eddie Griffin, MY BABY'S DADDY), with an invitation to join him in Amsterdam, Deuce deems it wise to accept. Accompanied by the prosthetic leg of his recently deceased bride (she was eaten by a shark on their honeymoon), Deuce shows up in Europe only to find that a mysterious killer is knocking off the city's man-whores. Worse, T.J. is implicated, so Deuce is forced to go undercover and search for the killer on his own, hoping to clear his friend's name. He suspects the killer is a woman, and so he has a string of flawed dates--a woman with a penis for a nose, one with massive ears, and a hunchback, among others. Along the way Deuce makes each freakish date feel special, and falls for the niece of the detective assigned to the case (former model Hanna Verboom). Meanwhile, T.J. comes up with a vast array of creative synonyms for gigolos and their equipment. Everything comes to a head at the 73rd annual Man Whore Awards, where Deuce proves his mettle and things fall together in surprising ways. Though the jokes are unashamedly lowbrow and many have been seen before, Rob Schneider is characteristically endearing and no one will escape without a giggle, however reluctant.
Release Date
13 October 2005 Running Time
83 minutes