December 10, 2004
Thirty-five artistes from MediaCorp and Channel U will join hands together in a historic moment to raise funds for Ren Ci Charity Show.
Kwok Kar Peng
For the first time since MediaWorks was set up 4 years ago, Channel U and MediaCorp artistes will stand on the same stage and perform.
Following the announcement on Wed Dec 8 of the crossover of MediaWorks artistes to MediaCorp with effect from Jan 1, 2005, a press conference was held yesterday (Thurs Dec 9) for the Ren Ci Charity Show.
The show, benefiting Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre, will be held at the University Cultural Centre and telecast ‘live’ on Jan 9, 2005 at 7.30pm on Channel U. The donation target for this annual charity event is $5 million and the extravaganza will be hosted by Quan Yifeng, Guo Liang and Chew Chor Meng.
At the press conference yesterday, Channel U artistes Guo Liang, Michelle Chia, Quan Yifeng, Ix Shen, Adam Chen, Constance Song, Wang Ailing, Darren Lim, Ann Kok, Lynn Poh, Apple Hong and Ezann Lee were reunited with their former (and future) colleagues MediaCorp artistes Xie Shaoguang, Jeanette Aw, Chen Hanwei, Jeff Wang, Allan Wu, Cynthia Koh, Phyllis Quek, Pierre Png and Vincent Ng.
Together, these 35 local artistes (15 from Channel U, 20 from MediaCorp) will perform 9 items which test their perseverance, determination, skill, and team work. Other local and overseas artistes A Do, JJ Lin Junjie, Fish Leong, Z Chen, Ritchie Ren and Nancy Sit will also lend a hand. A mysterious star is said to attend the charity show as well, but the organising committee is keeping it under wraps.
Programme Items
The Greatest Body Concert
o This opening performance features 9 artistes and over 100 primary school students who will exhibit their musical talents through an eclectic mix of body beats and tap dance that will mark the grand opening of Ren Ci Charity Show 2005.
o Artistes featured: Chen Han Wei, Felicia Chin, Joey Swee, Priscelia Chan, Vivian Lai, Jaime Teo, Lynn Poh, Eelyn Kok and Ezann Lee.
The Groovy Boys
o Watch them do the moves as 2 male artistes come out of the ‘acting closet’ and groove to the infamous beats of Grease, Bad and Forever Fever.
o Artistes featured: Adrian Pang and Pierre Png.
The Salsa Babes
o As the name suggests, 4 female artistes and their professional Latin dance partners will sizzle up the screens with their hot salsa spins and colourful flips!
o Artistes featured: Michelle Chia, Yvonne Lim, Jeanette Aw and Fiona Xie.
The Skipping Stunners
o Together with 20 primary school students, 6 artistes will be performing physical stunts and tricks with skipping ropes that bind their coordination, rhythm and fitness skills.
o Artistes featured: Apple Hong, Ann Kok, Wang Ai Ling, Terence Cao, Phyllis Quek and Vincent Ng.
The Rockclimbing Ballet
o 5 artistes will scale a wall and at a height of 20 feet above the ground, their sense of team spirit, balance and physical dexterity will be put to the ultimate test as they come together to form a spectacular body formation.
o Artistes featured: Ix Shen, Celest Chong, Constance Song, Allan Wu and Cynthia Koh.
The Catwalk In The Sky
o A stunt that requires undivided attention on its own, 3 artistes will be taking it even further by dancing on stilts in this segment! A rigid test of concentration, balance and determination, the artistes will spruce up the performance with a repertoire of beautiful costumes and dance moves that will impress no less.
o Artistes featured: Adam Chen, Jeff Wang and Le Yao.
The Driving Daredevils
o 2 self-proclaimed competent drivers will relive the agonising experience of obtaining a driving license when this item challenges their parking skills and agility ‘live’ from the Suntec Convention Centre. Each driving a Subaru car, the 2 artistes will try to park their cars in designated lots that become increasingly narrow with each successful progression.
o Artistes featured: Bryan Wong and Xie Shao Guang.
The 180° Twist
o A spar of wit, tact and acting skills, this comedy skit segment pits 2 local artistes against each other in a ‘dramatic’ challenge. To make things tougher, a mystery artiste will be hung 180° upside down from the ceiling, 20 feet away from the ground throughout the 7 minute performance where he or she is expected to act, drink, walk or talk vertically inverted. Who will this mystery artiste be?
o Artistes featured: Kym Ng and Mark Lee.
Venerable Shi Ming Yi's Item
o Details to be announced at later date
o Artistes featured: Venerable Shi Ming Yi, Darren Lim and MediaCorp male artiste
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