The mIRC channel is located at and the channel name is #Digimon_Frontier. You can download Digimon Frontier episodes off the File Servers in the channel. There are only a few simple rules to follow in the channel.
Rule Number 1: No abusive languages.
Rule Number 2: No flaming of channel mates especially the operators.
Rule Number 3: No sharing of porn or hentai. ( Do it privately. )
Rule Number 4: Enjoy yourself.
Ayukat Fserve Tutorial Version 2.0
This is a short tutorial about using Fserve to download files.
Step Number 1: Type !List when you are in the channel. A list of Fserve should appear. They should look similar to the example below:
[Fserve Active] - Trigger:[/ctcp Ayukat Digimon Frontier] - Users:[0/5] - Sends:[0/1] - Queues:[0/5] - Record CPS:[0B/s by None] - Bytes Sent:[0B] - Files Sent:[0] - Sends Failed:[0] - Resends:[0] - Accesses:[0] - Upload Speed:[0B/s] - Download Speed:[0B/s] - Current Bandwidth:[0B/s] - SysReset 2.53
Step Number 2: Search for the file that you want to download throught the description stated on the Fserve.
Step Number 3: Type out the Trigger to enter the Fserve. For example, you want to download Digimon Frontier episodes off the example Fserve below:
[Fserve Active] - Trigger:[/ctcp Ayukat Digimon Frontier] - Users:[0/5] - Sends:[0/1] - Queues:[0/5] - Record CPS:[0B/s by None] - Bytes Sent:[0B] - Files Sent:[0] - Sends Failed:[0] - Resends:[0] - Accesses:[0] - Upload Speed:[0B/s] - Download Speed:[0B/s] - Current Bandwidth:[0B/s] - SysReset 2.53
Type /ctcp Ayukat Digimon Frontier. Click accept if a Chat Dialouge message comes up.
Step Number 4: You should be inside the Fserve by now. Type Dir. A list of folders and files should appear.
Folders are written in capital letters and does not have its filesize stated beside it.
Files can be written in both capital and small letters and has its filesize stated beside it.
Note: You can download a file but you cannot download a folder.
Type Get filename to download a file. You don't copy the size of the file as part of the filename. Example:
You want to download " 01_-_all_aboard.avi 141 MB " Type Get 01_-_all_aboard.avi and not Get 01_-_all_aboard.avi 141 MB.
In order to download files from folders you have to open them.
Type Cd foldername to access the folder.
Type Dir to list out its files.
Other common commands used in Fserves:
Queues: Displays the current position of the user or users and the files they are queueing for.
Sends: Displays the user or users currently downloading and the estimated time taken for the files they are downloading to complete.
Cd ..: Return to a previous folder.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why won't the file sent after I typed
Reason Number 1: Your DCC is set to Ignore all.
Solution: Go to Options> DCC and disable Ignore all.
Reason Number 2: Did you get a similar message as below after you typed Get ?
Adding your file to queue slot 1. The file will send when the next send slot is open.
Its means you are in queue, you have to wait until its your turn to download.