Qantas planes experienced 9 incidents in 7 weeks.
Many of u may not know the aircraft engineers just finished
some strikes .I am not saying the strikes cause incidents.
But u cannot turn the blind eyes to strikes and say just bad lucks
causing the incidents!!
I find Oz international passengers increase from 16.5 m in 2000
to 21.5 m in 2006,increase of 30%.
But the increase of Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers cannot match
the passengers volume.I estimated engineers increases from 5800
in 2000 to 6400 in 2006.It seem short of 15 % from the required 7600.
Now Aussie Aviation Authority :
CASA wants Qantas to make a range of improvements to the way it manages and delivers aircraft maintenance following a special review carried out by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
pl read the Transcript of announcement
It is interesting one reporter compares current Qantas with
''what we saw with Ansett in the last 18 months of Ansett''
read the news then u can know what have happened
Passengers volume
Licensed Engineering no.
read the news then u can know what have happened
Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association,21985,24272263-662,00.html
(10). QF31 from Singapore to London landed in Frankfurt without incident after a vibration caused the crew to shut down one of its engines....
The incident is the latest in a spate of mechanical problems affecting the Qantas fleet.
(1).On July 25, a faulty oxygen bottle blew a hole in the fuselage of a Qantas Boeing 747-400 flying from Hong Kong to Melbourne.
The blast caused the aircraft, with 365 people on board, to depressurize and it rapidly descended several thousand feet before making an emergency landing in Manila.
2.On July 29, a Adelaide-Melbourne flight returned to Adelaide when a wheel bay door failed to close, while a hydraulic fluid leak forced a Boeing 767 to return to Sydney.
Hydraulics caused a flight to be delayed almost three hours in Sydney on August 4.
3.Three days later, a noisy air-conditioning fault forced the grounding of a jet that had recently returned from routine maintenance in Malaysia with 95 defects.
4.Then on August 12, Qantas announced it would temporarily pull six Boeing 737-400s from service after discovering an irregularity in maintenance paperwork.
5.On August 13, a Qantas Boeing 747-300 from Melbourne was grounded in New Zealand after an engine shut down on approach to Auckland.
6.On the same day, Qantas flight QF31 to London - the same flight affected by today's incident - was delayed because a crucial screw needed urgent maintenance, while a Boeing 767 jet had a hydraulic failure that affected the plane's steering as it landed at Sydney on a flight from Melbourne.
The plane left a trail of hydraulic fluid as it touched down, forcing the runway to close for 40 minutes as the spill was mopped up.
7.Two days later, on August 15, a technical problem delayed a Brisbane to Melbourne flight for more than 30 minutes, while a small body panel fell from a Qantas jumbo en route to Singapore from Melbourne.
8.On August 17, a rudder problem delayed the departure of a Sydney-bound plane at London's Heathrow Airport by more than 16 hours.
9.Three days later, two flights were cancelled between Perth and Sydney and Perth and Melbourne because of technical problems.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:Qantas planes experienced 9 incidents in 7 weeks.
Many of u may not know the aircraft engineers just finished
some strikes .I am not saying the strikes cause incidents.
But u cannot turn the blind eyes to strikes and say just bad lucks
causing the incidents!!
I find Oz international passengers increase from 16.5 m in 2000
to 21.5 m in 2006,increase of 30%.
But the increase of Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers cannot match
the passengers volume.I estimated engineers increases from 5800
in 2000 to 6400 in 2006.It seem short of 15 % from the required 7600.
Now Aussie Aviation Authority :
pl read the Transcript of announcement
It is interesting one reporter compares current Qantas with
''what we saw with Ansett in the last 18 months of Ansett''
read the news then u can know what have happened
Passengers volume
Licensed Engineering no.
read the news then u can know what have happened
Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association,21985,24272263-662,00.html
Qantas flight QF31 diverts to Frankfurt as 747 engine shut down---01 Sept 2008
pl dunt think in SG,there is only CSJ is anti--establishment.
I like to show u guys somethings uncoventional.
Many of u stay in Oz and many of u will fly Qantas.
Qantas put in advert that she is the most experienced carrier
in the world.Qantas also claimes she has zero fatal accidents
records---thanks for a movie.
Besides Oz civil aviation authority gemtle reminder and my figures
of aircraft engineers provided above,pl look at this .
Qantas workers concerned over maintenance standards
Sep 10, 2008
The poll of 200 members across worksites in Sydney, Brisbane, Tullamarine and Avalon reveals 83% are worried about safety of QANTAS aircraft due to staffing pressures and off-shoring.
When asked about the effects of contracting out, outsourcing or off-shoring:
• 69% agreed work needed to be re-checked more often
• 67% agreed work has to be re-done before it meets standards
• 62% agreed QANTAS has a cheaper service but corners are getting cut
While the Union wants Qantas keep all jobs in Oz,i think the man power
may be the problems.
“In the early 90’s QANTAS apprentice intake was 1,000 per year. It has now dropped considerably and we are lucky to average 100 per year nationally.
no. of aircraft engineers
your point is???
nice graphs... very colourful. it distract me enough to take whatever point you have to offer to be true... but what is your point?
hmmmm....Qantas has never had a fatal air crash yet like the M185 and SQ006 crashes.
oh sorry.Qantas may be short of man power.
I find Oz international passengers increase from 16.5 m in 2000
to 21.5 m in 2006,increase of 30%.
But the increase of Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers cannot match
the passengers volume.I estimated engineers increases from 5800
in 2000 to 6400 in 2006.It seem short of 15 % from the required 7600.
Can u guys tell me what is your guess?
Insiders,as shown above,said:
“In the early 90’s QANTAS apprentice intake was 1,000 per year. It has now dropped considerably and we are lucky to average 100 per year nationally.
Well they paid the price for not allowing FT, unlike sg, we welcome FT, so we are doing just fine.
wow--again and again!!I have not reported all Oz national airline
here for some times.Too many.
oh dear--
"a 747-400 operator would lose $1.1 million for each day the aircraft was grounded."
here two will be grounded!!
WATCHING two of its 747s collide on the tarmac may have been embarrassing for Qantas, but it is the loss of at least $20 million in revenue while the planes are repaired that will hurt the most.
Peter Marosszeky, a former maintenance and engineering manager at United Airlines, said that a number of costly components appeared to be damaged. "It appears that the radar antennae and the raydome are damaged and the forward pressure bulkhead could possibly be damaged," he said.
"Depending on the availability of parts, staff and hangar space you're looking at between two and three weeks before its repaired."
Mr Marosszeky, now a senior visiting fellow at the University of NSW, said that normally a 747-400 operator would lose $1.1 million for each day the aircraft was grounded. With both aircraft out of action for a total of about 30 days, according to Qantas, the total damages bill could easily exceed $20 million.
one incident is bad luck.
2 is damn bad luck.
3 is system failure.
4 is work culture.
one more ---
Qantas aborts flight to S'pore ---29.11.2008
SYDNEY - THE captain of a Qantas Airbus A330 carrying 168 passengers to Singapore had to shut down an engine and turn back to Perth after an oil warning light flashed, the airline said on Saturday.