Hi there
Hmmm..QFA has 2 acft type in those days..B763ER but recently ,about few years back they also got A330. They are phrasing out their B763..
Both may be 2-3-2 n running twin aisle..why dun u ask the QGA staff>
Well, one way to differentiate would be the winglets n tail tapering section of the fuselarge. Boeing has taperin till tail but Airbus are all straight thru. the A330 hasa wider n sleeker more swept back wing profile wz winglets.
u said 1999 n 2001..so I reckon it was the B763, bekoz QFA first A330 only came into service around December 2002, coded Cradle Mountain QF6008.
Hope it helps!
Originally posted by buses_galore:
I went to Australia twice once in 1999 and 2001 and both time I took the same plane but I do not know the model...
All I know is that it has a seating configuration of 2-3-2 and it belongs to quantas...It has only two engines...
