try going to malaysia. they have good quality schools there. thier instructors are superb. it cost me only 8k SING dollars.... quite a deal.Originally posted by polarsnake:^ yea, how? And how expensive is it to take the flying course to get a private pilot licence? Where in Singapore can learn how to fly other than the youth flying club ar? I was in the Youth Flying Club once but I quit halfway after earning only a student pilot licence, so now I want to continue earning my private pilot licence.
Wow! Now that's a deal! Haha...Originally posted by mhcampboy:try going to malaysia. they have good quality schools there. thier instructors are superb. it cost me only 8k SING dollars.... quite a deal.
hmm..i do not know of any johor flying schools. but im sure there is i think. if not...the nearest u could go is malacca or kl. but yeah its very far. since u will spend more than a year in the training. for me i spent abt more than 50 weeks completing the course. its long...but its fun.Originally posted by polarsnake:Wow! Now that's a deal! Haha...
Anyway Johor Bahru have any flying schools? Because I want to continue staying in Singapore during the entire course. I'll just travel via the causeway whenever there are lessons.
I learn how to pilot cessna type of planes satisfied liao.Originally posted by mhcampboy:oh yeah....when i say abt 8k sing means..those cessna small planes i will pilot. but if u wanna commercial ones...then it will cost u a whopping 60k sing dollars.... abt 150k ringgit. so wad i took is just a basic small scale course. no money lar.... posted by polarsnake:I learn how to pilot cessna type of planes satisfied liao.I think if next time I go go commercial then try to apply SIA I think the flying training would be much cheaper.
when you say SFC I'll assume you meaning Singapore Flying College (becos republic of singapore flying club is rsfc but short formed as sfc as well)Originally posted by donchoo:Hi Tayysj, i was wondering to enrol in Singapore Flying College, do i need to obtain at least a PPL first since if i'm not wrong only CPL and above courses are available there? Can i actually obtain a frozen ATPL from SFC?
How are the fees like? Would like to save up after i finish my NS.