Originally posted by Poolman:
It's the same feeling i saw when he broke his legs at Blackburn .
Question is : I've seen many fells like this , and why is Cisse tibia that weak ? Obviously he has some weak bones , not having enough Calcium ?
Looks scary doesn't it? Well that's the way tib/fib fractures go. I used to see at least one of these a day when I was with the Orthopedics depts and A&E depts.
Most injuries of this sort arise from Road Traffic accidents. Same problem. Going fast, rider flies, leg hits the ground....BAM!
I think the reason why Cisse breaks his legs is because he tries to stop his fall by using his legs as a braking force. Bad choice. Better to roll with the fall. That's all there is to it.
An open fracture in medical terms simply refers to a fracture with an open wound (this includes wounds of any size as long as the skin has been broken. Of course there are different classifications of open fractures depending on the size of the wound, degree of neurovascular involvement, soft tissue injury, and contamination)
Treatment options vary from case to case depending on the comminution of the fracture fragments, the angulation of the fracture segments, etc. Cisse previous fracture was treated with an intramedullary(IM) nail. Basically the fractured bone is aligned into an ideal position under radiographic guidance and then a steel nail is hammered through the centre of the bone (which is largely hollow or filled with marrow). Relatively technical having to size the nail, reduce the fracture and prevent blow out fractures from the nailing process.
Nailing seems to give better results as it allows the patient to bear weight earlier and thus encourage callus formation and reduce the total recovery time.
3 months would be the minimum for full recovery. Hence the November target is not unrealistic.