then wad do father and son tell u?
I'm giving you a chance to use your own bible to show me a verse that says clearly that jesus is god, and yet you can't.
And you expect me to believe what you say about jesus?
the word ''evidence'' is alredi of different platforms...u see evidence as sth tat must 100% fit the bill...bvut in christianity(sorry to burst ur bubble), its NEVER abt 100% evidence...there will always be an element of u are seeking 100% in sth tat is nt meant to be 100%...u tink its possible? u can ask as many christians as u noe, trust me u wun get the 100% u are looking for and why not share wif them wad i share wif u and see wad they say? be prepared most of them will interpret along the same line as me cos we start off creationist, God to man nt man to God...
Sorry I dont understsnd your question "so what does father and son tell you".
Actually what have you exactly used to prove that jesus is god?
You cant even use the bible!
u havent told me wad father and son tells u...
Father and son are 2 SEPARATE people in a family. The son is younger than the father, and the son is a result of the father having sex with the mother.
So you're saying the trinity is the same as a family? Are you insulting your own god?
if God is the father and jesus is the son of God...then wad is Jesus? if Tan is the father and ah kow is the son of Tan, wad is ah kow? he is Tan the son...
u dun get it lah...u stil see teh family as needing a mother(which is seeing it from man to God, nt God to man)...i alredi explained to u why theres no need for a mother...u dun accept, theres nth i can do...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA. despondent. sorry you are getting very ridiculous with your arguments, i hope you realise that.
You are saying JESUS = GOD (FATHER)
But in a family, the SON =/= FATHER because the SON is younger than the FATHER and the SON is a product of the FATHER.
SO IF YOU USE THE FAMILY to compare the trinity, YOU ARE SAYING ---
it comes back to wad i say, to u, egs/illustration must 100% fit the this imperfect world is 100% possible?
wrong and mockery again...
u are again looking at it thru the physical family we eternity is there time?
its ok lah...2billion christians in the world are wrong wif their illustrations...we will leave it as tat...i had enuff of this...
You are trying to be correct, for the sake of being correct. Why dont you put down your pride and look at the facts?
A human father and son are 2 separate beings.
Father god and jesus are one being
A human son is a product of the human father.
Jesus is not a product of Father god, according to christians
A human family consists of fahter, mother, son, brother all of whom are SEPARATE beings.
the trinity consists of father, son, holysspirt, all of whom are one being.
Do you see theere are so many differences?
Your analogy is FLAWED.
Can you jus admit it because if you don't you seem very prideful...
its liken to a family...its nt EXACTLY like a family...u are taking it as EXACTLY...meaning must be 100% then its valid...
i dun remember anytime in our discussions tat u admit u were wrong other than tat sorry for the laugh...
Originally posted by despondent:its ok lah...2billion christians in the world are wrong wif their illustrations...we will leave it as tat...i had enuff of this...
2 billion christians and that means christianity is correct?
When has majority = correct?
I don't think thats true.
Majority =/= correct.
Majority of people might want to smoke, but that does not mean they are right.
so 2billions christians are prideful then...cos i am sure most would see my pt which u dun...
i didnt say it means correct...i juz say tat creationist have their own set of beliefs which they believe to be correct...u are non-creationist, u dun sahre the same set of beliefs so to u, we are wrong/could be wrong
Originally posted by despondent:i dun remember anytime in our discussions tat u admit u were wrong other than tat sorry for the laugh...
I cannot admit I am wrong because...................
1. Throughout our conversation, you have only SHOWN me that the scriptures have not changed over a long period of time. That is good I say.
2. But when I tell you that other religions also have scriptures that have not changed over a long period of time, you tell me christianity is special because of unique points like grace, miracles.
3. THEN I tell you all religions have unique points and miracles and that does not make any religion MORE TRUE than the other.
4. Then I ask if you could authenticate the miracles in the bible, to prove they did happen, you said you cant.
5. Then I ask you to prove the trinity USING your own bible, you say there's no such verse.
6. Then you use the family idea FIRST, to try to prove the trinity, but I have shown you that the human family is very different from the trinity concept. Then you ask me why I am using the human family, WHEN YOU WERE THE ONE WHO FIRST SUGGESTED THE HUMAN FAMILY.
7. Even though I dont believe in the bible, I have told u to show me a verse to prove that jesus is god, yet you cant.
And now you say I am wrong.
The only good thing you did was to show me that your scriptures have not changed over thousands of years. That is good. BUT THE REST OF YOUR ARGUMENTS were............Illogical.
If you admit, there are so many loopholes in what you have said!
If you can, go and read up more and come back and show me how to authenticate the miracles and verses that tell me jesus is god.
THEN I might believe you!
u are wrong to interpret the family concept in its absolute cos its nt meant to be interpreted tat way, at least from creationist pt of was meant as an illustration and like i said u are looking for 100% fit...nwi can understand why u left the faith...u look for exact words'' jesus is God'' but can i tell u tat in christianity we dun get exact words all the time? tats why its impot to attend church and listen to the pastors who are more trained in the bible than us. are u more trained than them? i noe pastors can be wrong but compare them who are trained and us who are nt, who is more likely to be wrong? in my opinion, i am more likely to be wrong than them...
u may as well say tat gambling is ok according to christianity since the word gamble didnt appear in the bible...
1. You just refuse to admit that your analogy is flawedd. When you use "tan the son, tan the father", yes they are all tans, BUT are they one person? You are very poorly trained in the concept of trinity. In the trinity concept, the father and son are ONE but different. (OMG why am i teaching you this) But when you use the "tan the son, tan the father" example, its still wrong because even though they are all the "same name", they are still 2 SEPARATE beings. I have met other christians who can even give me better analogies than you do..........Even my christian friend told me before the family analogy is wrong...........why are you so prideful.
2. I am NOT looking for an exact word my friend. If I am, I will ask you to show me the word " trinity" in the bible. But I am asking you to show me a verse that directly says that jesus is god. Listen my friend, IF the message of jesus being god is SO important, it should be somewhere in there. And if it isn't, something is very wrong.
did i tell u tat the family concept explains the trinity 100%? i tink i said tat my way of explaining is to combine diff analogies, each explaining diff parts of the trinity rite? u are taking it tat i am using the family concept to explain the entire trinity...this analogy only explains the part abt being one in name and DOES NOT explain the other parts of the trinity...