How do I set up Android Pay?
Download the Android Pay app on your Android phone, follow the instructions to add your cards, then go forth and pay with your Android phone at any store with a contactless payment terminal. Just in case the baller side of you were wondering, there’s no limit to the number of cards you can add.
How to use Android Pay
It’s idiot-proof, really. You don’t have to bring up the app or swipe on anything. All you have to do is wake your phone, hold it to the contactless payment terminal and wait for the big check mark to let you know that your payment went through.
You don’t have to authorise each payment with your passcode or fingerprint, but you’ll be asked for it after every third transaction.

Where can I shop?
Stores accepting Android Pay are places you would typically shop at. We’re talking McDonald's, Guardian, NTUC FairPrice, and Cold Storage to name a few. As long as the place has a contactless payment terminal, you can use Android Pay there. Here's a pretty comprehensive list if you want details.
Get rewarded for your loyalty
Speaking of NTUC, Android Pay will also store your reward and gifts cards so you get the best deal possible. Plus, Google is working with NTUC Link’s Plus! Rewards programme and CapitaLand’s Capitastar to score you more special offers. Justification for splurges to be expected.

Use it for apps
In time to come, you won’t have to enter your credit card details every time you shop on a new site. Look forward to local favourites like Grab, Shopee, and even Singapore Airlines. Just opt for the Android Pay option and you’ll have your payment and address details entered automatically.
Think of it like PayPal. No fuss, no muss.

Help, I lost my phone!
Don’t panic, deep breaths. Nobody is going to spend your life’s fortune on booze from 7-11. You can remotely wipe your device with Android Device Manager. Your payment details are not stored on your phone so it won’t fall into the wrong booze-mad hands.