Ok... basically dis is a
PROPOSED outing to watch "Da Last Samurai". I noe got another forum "supposedly" into "movies" lah... (XPPP)
Miss "IamAngeline" wanna watch, so I help her consolidate a list of "Who wanna join in"
I will leave da time & venue FREE for U peeps to vote. Most vote will be da decided 1s.
So those interested do post here.
1. IamAngeline
2. Bontakun (pending for a reason)
3. xian 89 (pending)
4. Dumbdumb (pending) *Psst: caution. U may wanna bring tissues or buckets juz in case... Its quite a sad show...
If dunno where to get buckets, go KFC buy a "Buddy Meal" can get a bucket free. For tissues... if U dunno where to get... U can SERIOUSLY retink yr purpose in LIVING. Lolx! Joking lah... if dunno, go buy 1 or get some from public toilet.*