Maria Renard
The sister of Annette Renard, who is Richter's girlfriend. After Richter married Annette, she became a sister-in-law of the Belmont clan. Kidnapped by Dracula at 12 years old in an attempt to lure Richter into his hands, she can be freed and used as another character to play as. Her main attack is to throw doves, which return after flying a short distance. She also attacks with birds, turtles, a dragon, and even her shrill singing voice. Maria also has a double-jump power, can slide, and has a powerful move that projects her alter-ego. Unfortunately, she cannot take as many hits as Richter.
In Symphony of the Night, Maria is now a teenager, and sets out to find the missing Richter Belmont. No longer the cute little girl she was before, Maria is a brave young woman. When she begins her search, Castlevania mysteriously appears, as if to lead her on the search. When first meeting Alucard, she seems unsure whether to trust him, but soon learns that he is a noble being. She posses magical skills, able to charge up and shoot out magical bolts, as well as summoning more grown-up versions of her animal compatriots. She can also triple jump.