I hear rumors that PS3 40gig cannot support the Final Fantasy Online game?
Is this true, and it's pretty difficult to find a 60g or 80g these days...
Any help on this from those who play FFXI on PS2 or PS3...
PS3 40gb cannot play ps2 games....from wot i know, FF11 is for PS2, Xbox360 and PC........dunno they got release it for PS3 or not.........
why do you wana play ff online on ps3? its an mmo, mouse and keyboards works much better.
Originally posted by stellazio:why do you wana play ff online on ps3? its an mmo, mouse and keyboards works much better.
ps3 cannot use mouse and keyboards?....hmm......if i'm sure the ps2 can use mouse and keyboards.....
Originally posted by Deino:ps3 cannot use mouse and keyboards?....hmm......if i'm sure the ps2 can use mouse and keyboards.....
then why not play straight on a computer..its a pc game afterall.