My friends and I want to buy PS3s(80gb) but we can't really decide where and whom to buy from. Like theres the authorised dealers by Sony and those shops that aren't authorised but might sell cheaper with a risk of defective systems?
So we don't really know where to buy our PS3s(80gb). Any reccommendations about places would help! Thanks.
Oh any tips or opinions about the systems, games, etc would be greatly welcomed too!
Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:courts
Thanks! Will go down and take a look
the big big court hor.
small dunno if sell
cause just now went bigbig courts go IT area.
saw the console.
Buying from Sony will be the best la...
theres MO at Vr-zone/HWZ though.
uhmm current market price for ps3 is hw much le
Mo at HWZ better.
Originally posted by stellazio:Mo at HWZ better.
MO is?
Originally posted by Qing^.^:
MO is?
Those Mass Orders thread.
is there the white ps3?
Originally posted by Gay 2:is there the white ps3?
yah...someone in hwz just bought it today and posted there LOL
Originally posted by stellazio:Those Mass Orders thread.
there was a scam thread for it =/ for ps3 40gb i think
till now, the MO organiser haben return money fully back to the people.
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