Langrisser, the legendary holy sword which only the "Hikari no Matsue" (descendents of light) may wield. Langrisser is a video game series created by NCS/Masaya, which originated on the Sega Megadrive and since then made its appearance on many different consoles. The Langrisser series may be catagorized as Strategy RPG's or "SLGs" (SimuLation Game). The difference between Langrisser and some other strategy games, say Shining Force, is the idea of commander/troop mechanics, and artwork by famous anime artist Satoshi Urushihara (works include transformers, plastic little, legend of lemnear). In addition, some of the Langrissers have multiple plot branches instead of a linear story. The first Langrisser game was translated as "Warsong" by the now defunct Treco. (The translation was rather poor.) Because of lack of interest in this game, future releases of Langrisser have been Japanese only.
Langrisser 2 came shortly after the success of the original and was initially released for the Mega Drive. The game opens as an army of intruders invade a small village in search of a game named Riana. Her childhood pal Hein isn't too happy about this, and after enlisting the help of his friend Elwin, the son of Redin from the first game, to protect her from evil. But what does this army want to do with this girl? How does this tie in with the empire of Rayguard and their quest for the holy sword? And who is that sinister looking doppelganger of Riana? The cast of Langrisser 2 is quite a bit larger than before, and features a few faces from the original. vids of the game.