Sequel from Europa 1400.
This game is excellent. At least for me. Even though its a repetitive kinda game.. its still fun.
As in Europa 1400, the focus here is on setting up a family. You begin with a single peasant and must gradually move him up the ladder in society by starting a business to make lots of money, acquiring a wife, having children to carry on the family name, and even running for public office. A lot of the lines between genres are crossed.
Your characters have role-playing game-style ability scores, classes (patron, scholar, craftsman, and rogue), and special abilities (complete with funny line-art illustrations reminiscent of those in the Fallout games). Your character also gains experience points and levels up like in a role-playing game. But you additionally construct and upgrade buildings, gather resources, and produce goods like in a real-time strategy game.
And, you'll also oversee businesses like in an economics-simulation game. There is even a bit of action involved where you can hire guards to fend off highwaymen who are intent on robbing your goods-laden carts, or you can become a rogue and rob such shipments yourself.