sorry for digging up an old thread but just to post my few cent's worth here..

Originally posted by Seth35:
No i rather Employ Airborne Hit and Run Tactics behind Enemy Lines... 2 Squads of Airborne troopers and 2 AT guns is more than enough to cause havoc behind German lines... But i usually keep A tank platoon in reserve....Thats my striking force...
this is a good tactic early game wise, and should be used to maximum effect to deny your opponent fuel and Munitions points. but make sure you're successful, if not, late game wise, the airborne company loses it shine when tanks start coming into play [ even if equipped with the 57mm recoiless rifle upgrade, you will find it hard to counter a combined infantry/tank attack. ] . and ya, as the airborne company is heavily dependent on fuel and munitions for the more powerful weapons in your tech tree [ bombing/strafing runs ] and i see no reason not to concentrate on it.
Originally posted by Seth35:
Armor Wise... Use 2 M10 Wolverines and 2 Shermans with Upgraded Guns...85mm i Suppose ? Normally Use shermans to Draw fire from panthers or Tigers..Or their Panzers...Than use the M10 to do a flanking attack...
this is quite a good theory but it's a bit flawed. all i need to do is to destroy your M10s first and you'll be a sitting duck. instead, if you want to flank, deploy a smoke screen and start firing. add in infantry [ better if you could use rangers or paratroopers since they got or can be upgraded with AT weapons, but normal infantry with sticky bombs are also possible if you can't get them for whatever reasons possible ] and artillery [ or bombing runs if you're using airborne ] if possible. if you ask why the smokescreen, it's something to make the enemy start missing his attacks [ which are usually VERY DAMAGING against your thinly armored sherman/M10s tanks. ]
Originally posted by Scania N113CRB luver:
no, they are upgraded to maximum for sherman only,76mm, maybe the same gun as the M10. The M26 Pershing is 90mm . I normally use the sherman to confuse the enemy, do some damage then use the M10 to kill them. I may also use infantry with the sticky bomb, destroy the engine, dont let them escape, then sherman or M10 will flank attack and attack the rear armour. For tank with infantry, i use the sherman flail and chop up their bodies to break their lines then use the sherman crocodile to burn those mortar and AT gun teams. Infantry will then move in and capture the strategic points. Tell you, dont mess with the sherman crocodile and the german sdkfz 251 flammwerfer.?, they are very powerful with gun installations and buildings.
again, not bad a theory, but one flaw though. the flamethrowing tanks are good against infantry, but a good player never leaves infantry out on their own when tanks start coming into play. and to charge a tank/infantry force with sherman flails is abit dangerous. the movement speed of the sherman with the flails deployed is dangerously low, and this will give me time to pull back the infantry abit and move up my tanks to cover the infantry.
Originally posted by Bryan92:
What mission got m10?
erm.. it's somewhere in the middle part of the game.. where they ask you to seek and destroy a group of panther tanks..
anyway, as a general guide, for the allies, you're more numerically/firepower oriented. you depend on both the close cooperation of tanks and infantry to hit hard and again, if possible, artillery/airstrikes. and yes, this is more suited for early/mid game usage.
For the germans, you're more technologically oriented and more of a late game hero [ in DOTA terms so as to speak.. ] your tanks, once upgraded through the kampkraft center, is kinda unbeatable [ espically if you have panthers and tigers mixed in the force ] but then again, the allied player should ensure that the german doesn't get to this stage, or it's really game over..