Crash course on the controls:
If you wan to config ur keyboard/joystick controls, go click on 'Option' then 'Config Key/mouse/joystick'
The default config(main keys you need to know to fly and fight an aerial combat!) is as follows:
Tab: on/off afterburners(can turn on afterburners for only a few min of flight cos it guzzles fuel like in real life!)
Q: Increase Throttle
A: Decrease Throttle
2: Select weapons/flare
3:Radar Screen(not shown when u start the game so must always remember to press so u can have a clearer picture of the sky, press a few times to adjust the range of randar you wan)
G: Retract/deploy landing Gear( whether landing gear is up or down and be seen on ur rite side oc cokpit)
Mouse left-click: Fire missile
Mouse axis: Move around your mouse to control direction of flight if you're not using joystick
F1:cokpit view
F2:External view of your own aircraft
F3:External view of your wingmen/allies
F4: i think is view of the missile you've just fired
F10: view of your plane with a wider scope of vision
F12:chat wif other players on network game
Taking off: gain sufficient speed(by turning on afterburners) before taking off(i.e. pulling up your plane) or else sure confirm tailstrike!
Engagin enemy: Hostiles will appear in a green circle in ur HUD if they're infront of you. Choose your weapon, then if target within range yellow box will appear, however if missile fired now can be easily defeated by flares. When hostile is even closer, red box appears within the green circle, target is locked on and u can fire away!
Use of weapon: Use short range missiles when enemy is near and mid-range when enemy is far( more than 10miles away...can guage from radar)
Evading Missiles: Press 2 until u reach 'FLR:20' then deploy the flare by clicking your mouse only when missile is near you.
Radar: As mentioned above you can change the radar range by pressing 3 afew times. Targets appear as green on your radar, allies as white, missiles as red dots
hmmm...that's about all that i can think of...have fun playing this game ppl! sure can get the hang of this game after a few times de